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I am a believer in God, a mother, a daughter, a sister and friend. I am purpose driven with intentions of inspiring, provoking thought and dialogue while motivating and changing lives GLOBALLY...

Thursday, September 1, 2011


What a week August 22-28 2011 will go down in the history books for those of us on the East coast of the country.  On August 22 in  our neighboring state of Virginia an earthquake measuring 5.8 struck.  Imagine THAT, an earthquake, then 5 days later a category 1/borderline 2 Hurricane Irene hits the east coast with  wind ,rain, and all the damage that comes with such a disaster, I mean REALLY? An earthquake? On the east coast REALLY? It still sounds crazy a week later!! Mother nature has CUT A FOOL and who can blame her, look what we have  done to her?  I'm surprised more hasn't occurred.  And yet here we are another hurricane is forming and now named Katia while fires due to drought spread in parts of the southwest part of the country. I just recently discovered  another aftershock hit Virginia just this morning measuring a little over 3.  Im like DAG.... you can hardly get yourself together before something else occurs SO what have we learned from one natural disaster to another? Well I don't know about you, but I keeps me some bottled water, candles, batteries, lighters, flashlights, wet wipes,  non perishable foods, zip lock bags, trash bags, copies of every important document I have, life insurance policies,passports, car registration, birth certificates, home owners/renters insurance, list of  creditors with all the pertinent information, investment documents, drivers license  medical insurance information and copies of all medication prescriptions and contact information of all relatives, doctors, friends and clients.
The worst time to be looking for the above items is when your belongings are blowing around surrounding areas of where your home USED TO BE.  In these uncertain times, where sure... it is important to have faith and belief in the higher good,  one MUST  be prepared for the unimaginable!  So TODAY... this is what I'm going to need for each of you to do.  1.  GET A PLAN!  What if a natural disaster,  or
God forbid another terrorist attack occurs? What is your plan? How will you communicate, where will you or how will you get to your loved ones?  Where will you meet?  Get a plan people, it's not too far fetched to think any of these possibilities could happen.  If you needed to get to your children and you couldn't, who could?  Would your child know how to get home?, Do your kids even know all the important information? Name, parent's name, phone numbers ,address?  If not, take the time to teach your child that information.
 2.  GET YOUR SUPPLIES UP! There are some of us who are STILL without power?  Here we are 4 days after the hurricane hit the Washington DC area, how are you surviving?  What if there was no hotel to go to, no relative or friends to crash with who have electricity, what if we ALL WERE WITHOUT POWER, then what?  What would you eat? How would you clean yourselves, water? your pets? 
HOW WOULD YOU SURVIVE?  I'm not saying you have to build a nucleur bunker, however it would be wreck less to not think it can't happen!!! 10 years ago it happened on 9/11 ,Katrina happened and many people lost EVERYTHING! Some not as lucky so it CAN happen. Get your supplies up, water, food for 4 days for each person.  Sounds a bit much, I know, but if something happens, you will be happy you went to Costco, Sam's, or Walmart and got 4 cases of water, fruit cups, applesauce, etc....
3.  COPIES COPIES COPIES!!!  If your home caught fire, what would you do?  Does anyone you love have copies of your important documents?  Mine do!! My mother who lives in the Midwest has copies of my birth certificate my daughters, my passport, car information, medical records, life insurance home owners insurance etc....  Even if you place those documents in a safe deposit box just have the documents somewhere else other than where you live.
It truly is amazing that we live in a time where these things have to be even considered but as the old cliche goes IT IS WHAT IT IS, and I would rather be safe than sorry. 
In parting, I personally want to send a condolence out to each and every family that lost a loved one from the recent hurricane, and for those who lost their homes and are rebuilding, I truly am sorry for all your heart ache and sorrow.  Some of those who lost everything will never be the same however we pray that help and assistance will help to get your lives back on track.
As always GET LIFE BABY, and enjoy your life EVERYDAY,  this ain't no dress rehearsal. 

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