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I am a believer in God, a mother, a daughter, a sister and friend. I am purpose driven with intentions of inspiring, provoking thought and dialogue while motivating and changing lives GLOBALLY...

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Olivia Fox Fix: What a difference a FREAKING YEAR makes

The Olivia Fox Fix: What a difference a FREAKING YEAR makes: Well, well, well... Today I stumbled up on my blog thinking to myself, it has been a minute since I have written, probably 3 or 4 months, so...

What a difference a FREAKING YEAR makes

Well, well, well... Today I stumbled up on my blog thinking to myself, it has been a minute since I have written, probably 3 or 4 months, so much is happening in the world and my own life let me go on here and share a little bit about what is going on with me.  Upon my surprise it hadn't been 3 or 4 months, IT HAS ALMOST BEEN A YEAR SINCE I HAVE BLOGGED.  I'm all like, how can THAT BE? However,  once I sat down and thought  about the past year and all that has occurred, the highs the lows. IT HAS BEEN A FREAKING YEAR!

This tells me many things, one...I really need to get my SHIT TOGETHER!! (smile)  It tells me I REALLY GOT TO GET SOME SHORT TERM, MID TERM, AND LONG TERM GOALS ON PAPER SOMEWHERE!!  But most importantly, it tells me what I have always known throughout my life, time waits for no one, regardless of what you have going on, what you are doing, people and situations coming in and out your life, death, life, job loss, money made, places visited, various transitions. 
TIME IS CONSTANT, and it continues to..well.....tick on.

Some of the greatest lessons I have learned in this past year have been the importance of patience, having a proper perspective, and possessing  the ability to crisis manage. With each passing day one of these 3 and many times all 3 at one time have helped me to thrive and stay in the game.  I could go on and on of all the things I have faced, endured, and tolerated over the past year, but why?  Even the good,  the past is called that for a reason, it is the past.  Things happen, we go through it, sometimes more gracefully than others, but we do, and we move on.  I have had many blessings to occur in the past year, and  some situations and ultimate outcomes, have transpired that never in 2 lifetimes would I believe could actually occur in my life. But due to all those challenges and triumphs I am able to still be here today.  Not bitter, broken  discouraged, or defeated while merely existing , going day to day with no joy or expectation of it.  I am HERE with joy, a feeling of accomplishment and more important a positive, hopeful, perspective on things to come. 

Many people can't go through crisis without being scarred, without having  lost a major part of who they are.  They may  be only a small part of who they were prior to the crisis.  They have allowed a temporary situation to negatively impact not only their present day self ,but all the potential they could be in the future. I am a  thinker, and sometimes I over think and over analyze situations and people, but some  may not necessarily require such thorough examination.

I guess with a passing of time one would learn a lesson or 2.  I guess I received more than  my share in this past year  Have I really shared anything with this blog about my life?  The superficial clones, and blinded sheep  would say no. However, those who know me, those who have gone through a storm, and those who are in the midst of chaos as you read this,, you KNOW  exactly what I have shared, and hopefully someone will see they are not alone in the struggle, and the test cannot and will not .last forever. 

I was always told the test in a testimonial is the equivalent of the  silver lining of a dark cloud.
 I agree.

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