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I am a believer in God, a mother, a daughter, a sister and friend. I am purpose driven with intentions of inspiring, provoking thought and dialogue while motivating and changing lives GLOBALLY...

Thursday, August 1, 2013

MAY I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION... I have discovered the secret to SAVING MONEY!

Before you even think to say it, yes..... it has been some time since I wrote a blog. It doesn't mean the intent to blog  was not there.  It is very similar to each and every Saturday night before I go to bed, I place my clothes out for 10a.m. Sunday church service.  On Sunday, I wake up around 10:18am,sometimes later,  so you guessed it, no 10 am service. No worries I think to myself, I will go to the 12 noon service, after all I have my clothes laid out.(smile)  Aaaannnd...I don't make it. 
So I say all this to say...I know its been a while since I last  blogged, but as with church on Sundays, the INTENT  is always there.
 Many are still recovering from the economy being on the mend, and for many things are tight for many of us.  That age old question continues to remain unanswered,  how do you save money when you are already living on a tight budget? I have  figured it out, and for today only, like a one day Macy's sale, (which by the way, doesn't it seem like Macy's is ALWAYS  having a sale? They ARE NOT SLICK, you hear me MACY'S you not slick!  Those commercials are a manipulation talking about a pre day sale then THE ACTUAL sale.)  SHUT UP...YA'LL STAY ON SALE!  Where was I? Yes, I have figured out how to save money, and I will give you this gem FOR FREE! You ready? the key to saving money is....drum roll...
For those of you who are thinking..."she's such a talented professional lady why does she have to be so vulgar"?  And I say, first of all, where are you in the 1900s?  When did the word ASS become vulgar? And B. sometimes there just aren't any other words to use that will do justice to telling someone to STAY THEIR ASSES HOME.   Listen, if I  said, STAY YOUR BUTT AT HOME, or STAY YOUR BEHIND QUARTERS AT HOME.  Boooooo!  STAY YO ASS AT HOME, IS THE MOST FITTING. 
And 3...This here my JUKE JOINT...lmao...You know, I don't really care  if you laugh I CRACK ME UP! And often. However , it is worth mentioning it has become more and more evident, that I REALLY need to have my ADD medication adjusted!
So yes, stay at home.  My daughter spends time with her father during the summer, and so I am afforded the luxury to finally chill.  No practices,  girl scouts, sleepovers, camps, games, track meets, cello, bass guitar lessons,  just me and my 13 year old dog who by the way has been bumping into furniture because he is going blind.  IT KILLS ME. bless his little mole covered  dingy fur, that covers his little heart murmur having heart. And his little arthritis and emphysema cough. But OTHER THAN ALL THAT HE IS IN GREAT SHAPE!(side eye)
  I have found, I have spent no money.  No stops at 7-11, no stopping at grocery store, no burning up a whole lot of gas, no redbox or regular movies, no Rita Ice, no salads or Subway.  I think in just this first week I KNOW  I have saved at least 125 dollars. 
It is the strangest thing, I tend not to eat when my kid is away, it is like some kind of sub conscious fast I go on, but when she is gone I have no appetite, I literally have to MAKE myself eat.  So there you go...no groceries, hence NO COOKING.  I drink more water because I am not running into 7-11 every other day buying Gatorades, bananas, and peanuts for energy for practices. I feel much healthier because I am back to walking, everyday, sometimes twice a day because it is quiet and not a lot of...mommy can I ride my bike, mommy can I ride my scooter.  SHUTUP!!!!!....
So if you want to save money...put your kids in a storage unit somewhere and walk away.   I"m kidding, I'm kidding, I'm a kidder. lol
If you want to save money, DON'T HAVE KIDS! That is the secret, because without kids you are not constantly out and  spending money.  Wow... that was A REAL EINSTEIN MOMENT RIGHT?  I think I will make bumper stickers, You want to save money, DONT HAVE KIDS. I like it!
I feel like I have really helped people today, with the most obvious discovery since Brook stones started offering "neck massagers"  We ALL KNOW WHAT THEY ARE REALLY FOR!  But THATS ANOTHER BLOG, on another day, hopefully sooner than not.

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