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I am a believer in God, a mother, a daughter, a sister and friend. I am purpose driven with intentions of inspiring, provoking thought and dialogue while motivating and changing lives GLOBALLY...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Why WE always got to be a "Ne Ne"?

This subject has been on my spirit for a minute and at the advice of a good friend who follows my blogs he says, "Olivia, yo long winded ass, just make your point and end it already..... there(he said)  I said it!(smile)"  OK, because I am always up for constructive criticism here it is short and to the point. 
please post your comment......
PSYCHE...... not the end but  I had you for a minute didn't I.  But seriously when I say a "Ne Ne" I am speaking about Ne Ne Leaks from the ever popular Housewives of Atlanta, and I'm not being mean spirited because I realize everyone has their own unique journey, and  furthermore who am I to judge ignorance, if ignorance is getting you paid! Not necessarily how I intend on leaving my mark but if  you like it 
DO YOU BOO .....go for it.
 As a black women with what I like to term a functioning brain and the ability to articulate a thought, it pisses me off when I look at mainstream media and see the same type of "black woman" portrayed in many television shows.  These so called reality shows, which attempt to paint the picture that they are "real"  ALWAYS have the angry, loud ,confrontational, materialistic, neck rolling, black woman as the staple.  White women on these shows come in so many variations, the quiet timid white woman, the "I'm a lesbian, deal with it" white woman, the bombshell who gets what she wants, the all business Harvard graduate, the motor cycle, leather piercing,  hard core  white chick, the punk chick, the religious chick, the single mom, BUT.....
not like the single black woman who had her kids out of wedlock and her baby daddy is either locked up, a dead beat, or my personal favorite a professional athlete (and the wife spends all of her useless time spending his money, starting a clothing line that no one buys or fighting with a bunch of other jock's wives who spend all their time worrying about another, gold digger in training, sleeping with their man)  Sorry I digress.....
No the single white woman's husband either got killed honorably in the war, or died in a car wreck, or of a dreadful disease. Something honorable, and therefore the woman is deemed  honorable, and her kids are honorable as well.  The list goes on and on.  And I am not saying ALL, but in most instances this is the case.  Black women more often than not, on these shows are always so confrontational, angry, bitter, vindictive, back stabbers, man stealers, and on the dollar bill hard.  Why is this?
I've been a black woman all my life,(smile) I have 4 or 5  very close friends who are black, the women in my family are all  black and NONE OF THEM carry on like these women that I see on these television shows, so why are these majority of the black women's role in the programming on television?  No wonder all the black men are going out of their race to find mates(smile) That's sarcasm people, there are some brothers out here who will use that argument. It is so unfortunate, because black women come in so many shades, levels of professionalism and intelligence.  We have so many talents, gifts, and we have accomplished so much,
and yet..... we are continuously bombarded by these images.
This is why it is so important as mentors, mothers and caregivers to our children specifically our little girls to be THAT INFLUENCE AND ROLE MODEL for them.  Let them know how to handle conflicts without volume, articulate your thoughts and opinions without emotion.  Learn to understand and show empathy before judging and waving off another black woman as..."oh that bitch...forget her."  It is important to let your daughters know its OK to NEED A MAN.  I swear, if I hear one more  of these self proclaimed so called INDEPENDENT  STRONG BLACK WOMAN say..."I DON'T NEED NO MAN". 
PLEASE....Shut YO ASS UP!, everyone needs someone.  You are not that strong, its human nature to NEED SOMEONE.  And... if you don't need a man, why are you announcing it, NO ONE CARES!!!
Let your daughters know love is a wonderful thing between 2 people who respect, honor and cherish one another.  But always be independent and be able to care for yourself in the event your happily ever after is delayed or when it does come, for whatever reason if ,God forbid ,it happens and it doesn't work out? Teach her self independence so she's not found in a fetus position of her walk in closet Devastated. Most importantly, teach your children boys and girls  to be independent thinkers.  Don't just go with the crowd, this is how so many young children specifically in this instance ,girls get sucked into the images and the culture they are bombarded with.  "Well mommy  Tyquitha is going to school with her breast and ass hanging out and her momma don't care why can't I"?. And I say to that, "because Tyquithas mommas ass and breast are hanging out, so she is basically imitating what she sees in her momma and......Tyquithas momma is STILL trying to be a video girl in a rappers video, her momma know SHE PAST HER PRIME (PHP)
Children are like little sponges, they absorb what is around them, so if you are allowing t.v. and others to raise your child and mold the self image they hold for themselves, you can't be surprised that that's what she begins to be. 
Just my 2 cents..... I hope that was short enough for you, I tend to be long winded, because I am a master at communication,  which would explain why my ass is not working in commercial radio anymore, have you noticed you don't hear the DJ s anymore and if you do they speak like they are all on coke, talking fast, because they can only speak for 30 seconds or less.  That's what  commercial radio has become, which again explains why I'M NOT WORKING.  But .....THAT'S A WHOLE NOTHA BLOG FOR ANOTHER DAY(smile)... any who... Remember, this  life ain't no dress rehearsal, AND......your children are a direct reflection upon YOU, so get it right or at least try and  YOU.... RAISE THEM!

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