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I am a believer in God, a mother, a daughter, a sister and friend. I am purpose driven with intentions of inspiring, provoking thought and dialogue while motivating and changing lives GLOBALLY...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring is here!!!

Time is indeed  flying and you know what they say, (cause they always saying something), time flies when you are having fun.  I must be having the time of my life because here we are on the first full day of spring.  Is it me or did it just seem like yesterday it was  the 4th of July, then Christmas.  January came and went without any major fireworks, and Valentines day, a  month for lovers,  the days just seem to to fly by and BOOM.....its dam near April. 
It seems the year 2011 has already been a year of cleansing,  shedding of all the old things, be it weight, habits, and people, these last 3 months have really been a spring board of self realization, change, enlightenment, and growth for me.  One thing the new year has bought is the knowledge of the potential within myself to be and do more than I have ever desired to  be or do.  That sounded a little redundant but its true.  I have been blessed not to HAVE to work, not to HAVE to be stressed and consumed with looking for employment  I have zero passion for.  I have been blessed to really take a much needed TIME OUT FROM MY NORMAL LIFE.
 When I really think about it, I have been chasing the dollar bill since I was 16 years old.  And not the dollar bill affiliated with some one else, hustling, grinding,  scheming and lying, trying to get and take off someone else's shine.  Naw.... that has never been my thing.  Though in the industry of entertainment that I have worked in for the past 20 some years I have had my share of running into users, losers, hustlers, hoodrats and get withs.  It has truly been an eye opening experience on so many levels and has taught me HOW NOT to be live. 
But I think I am due for this break I have been so fortunate to have had the past 8 months to care for my daughter full time and work on me.   As I have said since January I have had the chance to really look at my list of wants and needs.  Once you do that you truly realize many of the things you think you need, are truly just wants.  
So for a new season to arrive, many things come to mind about Spring, the blossoming of ideas and concepts, the blooming of potential and opportunities, the growth within yourself and the rising of all that has been deep rooted from  the past season. That is how I view Spring.
 Sure its a time to go through all your junk in your home and get rid of those tight ass jeans that yo fattass hasn't been able to get into since the late 90s(smile),.... Time to go through all the items you have collected from past amusement park visits, vacations, Christmas gifts that you didn't ask for or need,  books you haven't read, kids toys that your kids  played with for about 28 hours, appliances that either don't work or you never use, and countless other items that have collected throughout your home.  Spring cleaning is what they call it.  But Spring cleaning should also apply to your personal life.  Cleaning out the old and making room for the new. 
A change of seasons is a wonderful time to take inventory of your life, analyze the changes you seek and map a plan to move it forward.  Perhaps in the new season you find yourself feeling some kind of way about the people in your life.  Take a piece of paper and write down the names of the people you encounter the most, and not co workers, but people you consider friends.  Look deep into that list and think about each person on that list.  Is that person what you deem as a true friend?  Does that person have your best interest at heart?  Would your life be enhanced if they were no longer   in your circle or suffer due to the loss?.  Once you are certain,  figure out in this new season if that person is no longer a person you want in your life.  If not, weed them out, remove their contact information  from your phone, if they call, or text,  don't be rude but be short and sweet.  Eventually  cut  off all communications.  I always say, never  burn a bridge, but with some people you just have to leave that bridge abandoned, never to be crossed again.
Next, what is your opinion on where your life is going on a professional level.  Are you truly happy with what you do for a living, is it working for you anymore?  Is there a passion for what you do?  If not, what are you willing to do to  change that?  And finally, your personal relationships.  What is it that you seek or desire from the relationship you are in?  Can you change your behavior to enhance what you do have?  Are you truly content in the union you are in and if not what will it take to get to a place that you are truly happy? 
Spring time is a wonderful time to look at where you are in life and seriously consider changes, alterations or a complete overhaul  But in order to clean, you must be willing to throw the old out, to make room for the new.  How can you possibly have the room for new blessings, if you continue to harbor the old, the tired, the unusable?  Life is about the experience, the lessons, the letting go of the garbage and baggage of the past.  A new time, with new opportunities, possibilities and a new life.  Its never too late to spring into a new way of thinking, and actually change can be possible if you are willing to let the old go.
Come on people!!! its Spring, spring yourself into all that you are capable of being and doing.  Take the steps to spring into action, and live a new.  Spring is here......are you willing to change as the season has?  Get there!  The new way of thinking and living could be so amazing you will wonder how and why you settled for the old and not expect more of who you are and what you can become.  Regardless of how desperate or depressing your present situation is,  tomorrow can always be what you want it to be if you are willing to get rid of the old to make room for the possibilities of a new day.
As always..... GET LIFE BABY.... this ain't no dress rehearsal!!! . 
p.s...... please leave a comment, you know how us creative types are.... WE NEED FEEDBACK...... 

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