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I am a believer in God, a mother, a daughter, a sister and friend. I am purpose driven with intentions of inspiring, provoking thought and dialogue while motivating and changing lives GLOBALLY...

Friday, March 4, 2011

How much of your brain are you using? Think about it.....

I heard on t.v. that most of us only utilize 20 percent of our brain power.  Which means 80 percent of what our brains ARE CAPABLE OF BEING AND DOING, never gets used.    Now, what if half of that 20 percent only use 10 percent OR LESS of their brain abilities? What does that say about the intellectual capabiilities of the average person you encounter day to day?  Is there any wonder that when you run into someone or have a communication glitch it leaves you feeling  like...... what in the hell is the deal with
THAT PERSON?   What exactly is REALLY GOING ON?  But to take it to an entire different level of
self realization,  what if you are apart of that half of  that 20 percent and you are on the low percentage of
that 10 percent brain usuage?  When you give it some real thought, does it make you want to learn more? 
Does it make you want to be and do more with one of the most magnificent and complex  human organs? 
 I have WAYyyy too much time on my hands, and my thoughts are ones that contemplate the most....some would say insignificant scenarios, these are the types of subjects that float around MY BRAIN.  So.... after giving it some thought as I have, what am to do to increase my under utilized brain?  What now? 
When we were younger, we  were constantly learning, using our brains.  Some of us more than others.  then some of us  went to college and smoked..... and drank.... most if not  many brain cells to an open casket clean departure, never to return again.
So.... how do you ,as a grown ass person, increase your brain power?
 I asked my mom who is 75 and showing a strong fight against memory loss and human aging. 
But she works at it.  She is constantly researching and making note of power foods and nutrients that assist in slowing down the aging process.  She reads everyday....and gives herself  little mind benders. 
Reading daily huh?  Not so much for me.... I have never been a big reader, and if and when I do read on any kind of regularity, its on a particular subject that interest me.  Like the workings and functions of the human anatomy, holistic research, books about child behavior, comedy and communication strategy books,  and psychology.  So maybe.... I could practice reading something everyday. 
Prior to the boom of the internet, reading a newspaper daily or certainly on Sundays was standard, but everything is on the internet, news alerts come to my phone, who buys a paper anymore?
 So.... ok.... read something everyday.  I got it....
THE BIBLE.... I have decided if I am going to read something, everyday... let it be something that can benefit my mind as well as my soul.  So thats what I have been doing.  Another thing..... to boost my memory of a gnat.... memorizing what I have read.  Can i keep it real with you?  Not very successful..... thus far, but I am  convinced just by being aware of this, I am well on the road to making better  usuage of my brain. 
How bout you?  What if anything will you do?  Is it something you really care about or are you good with just using such a small portion of your brain?  Im certainly not focused on going back to school,  what  I deem as my calling and my future,I am, in my opinion ,sufficiently educated with my little B.A. in radio/television and a minor in journalism,  as well as professionally trained and experienced to do
what I am doing.
HOWEVER.... one should NEVER stop learning,  one should never stop challenging your own intellect and ...... YOU HAVE TO CONTINUE TO THRIVE.... instead of just getting by.  Challenge yourself, you may be  surprised at what YOUR brain can and will do when challenged to do so.  Life experiences are lessons, but how can you possibly get the lesson if you have stopped expecting and actively participating in that learning process, if you no longer care to challenge your brain power, and your need for constant variety of  knowledge. 
Some say knowledge is power, however if there is no desire or abilities to attain and RETAIN  that knowledge? You have indeed GIVEN YOUR POWER AWAY. 
Just a thought.....
Get life baby... this aint no dress rehearsal.

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