About Me

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I am a believer in God, a mother, a daughter, a sister and friend. I am purpose driven with intentions of inspiring, provoking thought and dialogue while motivating and changing lives GLOBALLY...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The greatest thing I will ever be and do.....BEING A MOM...

When I tell you that I LOVE being a mom?  I am really telliing you truth.  I thank God  in prayer every morning and every night for blessing me with life.  If you are like me ,one of these career chasing chicks also know ass the United Career Chasing Chick Society...UCCCS.... if you are like me and chased , followed, and stalked your own career to "make it" to be all and everything thats is involved with that notion.  You know  in my industry Im talknig about attending every hot event, booking all the hottest interviews, flexing at every red carpet event, getting invited to all the "in parties ",while demonstrating a level of professionalism where its of the upmost importance to be considered one of the best.  Yes that was me . But somewhere around the year of 2002 I craved something more of my life.  I wanted to create a legacy, a life, a family, I wanted to be a mom.

 In my mid 30's I walked down the aisle with a man 10 years younger than me  and relished in being a wife. I had high hopes to be a mother, it was for some time,  all that occupied my thoughts.  Everywhere I would go I would see pregnant women, every child I would see was adorable and I would constantly wonder what a child created by myself and my then husband would look like.  Well several days after losing the one job that had put me on the map nationally, a syndicated radio personality with fans all over the country.  My husband and I found out we were pregnant.  What a blessing, what a sense of humor God had, he bought me through the storm of unemployment and gave us a life.  I dont know about you, but Id take LIFE over a job ANYDAY.

Being pregnant was one of the best experiences of my life. I loved it.  I didn't mind getting swole because just between you me and a flea.... MY ASS WAS SWOLE  BEFORE I GOT PREGNANT.  So it wasn't a huge adjustment. It is comedy to me when you hear these  little salad eating women who are obsessed with working out, get pregnant, get swole and ...LOSE THEIR MINDS!!  All they do is bitch about how much weight they have put on.  SHUT YO ASS UP!!! you have life inside of you stop focusing on your own ego and your own insecurities and realize how blessed you are TO EVEN BE PREGNANT.  Man... if you hear one more story  of  a woman who cant conceive? You will never say a dam thing about being swole again

Anyway... where the hell was I.... ughh...ADD is real. But ummm... yeah my ass WAS SWOLE.  But I didnt care, I knew that this child would be the love of my life and boy did I underestimate her.  From the first time I laid eyes on her as they pulled her out  of my gut and by the way....WHY MY ASS STILL LOOK PREGNANT AFTER HAVING HER?  AND TO THIS DAY... if you catch me after an esepcially thirsty weekend, I COULD BE 5 MONTHS!!!  But as I was saying.... Dont ask me how far along I am.... HATERS!!!!   But umm,... yeah.... as I had said...MY ASS WAS SWOLE....

But when I saw herl little pie face and small slanty eyes just like her mom and dads, and those little perfect lips and her  little perfect feet and little perfect hands, and when babies are new they have those little creases in their necks and one time I was holding her and I kept smelling blue cheese and Im like IS THAT MY ASS?  AM I STINKING LIKE BLUE CHEESE ?.... man.... we bathed her and pulled that little head back and inside her little creases of her neck...cottage cheese.  I threw up a little in my mouth then said...Awwww... my baby got cottage cheese on her neck from milk running down her mouth and settling in the folds of her neck.  My little cottage cheese buttermilk smelling neck having baby.  She is my joy.

Still to this day, I see that little baby.  Still to this day I remember the first time I looked at her and held her.  STILL TO THIS DAY..... no other feeling like what she gives me, PURPOSE, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, INSPIRATION, LAUGHTER, WARMNESS, ACCEPTANCE, LOVE!!!!

I have accomplished so much in my life I have gone so many places met so many people....
wait... what song is that?  Is it Peabo?  no wait... Donny Hathaway... no wait I got it...RAY CHARLES..
 Singing a song for you.  Yeah thats it... I told ya'll ......I be lunching... and I typle like I speak, and my mother is rolling her eyes right now and my dad is turning over in his grave TWO TIMES  cause I am college educated  up on here using the conjugation of  TO Be... ghetto VERSION...... you be, i be, she and he be, they be, theys be, and DEERS BE....
JUST LOUD AND WRONG....  Ewwww I swear I need to do an outline before I start these rants I  gets so caught up in my MY OWN DAM CONVERSATION... Wait....quit playing... I had something reallly real...REDUNDANT....
something really profound to wrap this thang up !!!....but I forgot....

So Ill just say this,  all the years and still to this day I hear my mom talking about the love she has for each of her children, the way she worries even though all our asses is old as hell.  DONT TELL MY OLDEST BROTHER, HONEY HE WILL ARGUE YO ASS DOWN ABOUT HOW HE NOT OLD.  Whole nother blog.... but I now understand.  I get it.  There are tons of things you can do with your life, tons of people you can inspire and affect with your life's work, but NOTHING... will represent you, fulfill, and love you like...
LIFE.... A CHILD!!!!   I thank God for her everyday, twice a day!!!! 

As always .....as my crying, teary eyed ass wipes the tears from my face.....
I say... What good is success if your hair is a hot dam mess. 
HAVE YOU NOTICED EACH CLOSING IS JUST AS DIFFERENT AS THE LAST... WHY?  cause my ass keep forgetting what I said the first time.  BAD MEMORY HAVING ASS....

I digress......AGAIN.....

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