The Olivia Fox Fix: Things My Father Taught Me.: In our culture it has become fashionable and almost cult like for many women to portray themselves as mere pieces of property. On the marke...
Nationally known Radio personality Olivia Fox offers her take on subjects as varied as her hairstyles. Pop culture,politics, music, videos, technology, medical information, holistic information, things I see, thoughts i hear and most important my bizarre take on those things and more.
About Me
- Olivia Fox
- I am a believer in God, a mother, a daughter, a sister and friend. I am purpose driven with intentions of inspiring, provoking thought and dialogue while motivating and changing lives GLOBALLY...
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Things My Father Taught Me.
In our culture it has become fashionable and almost cult like for many women to portray themselves as mere pieces of property. On the market, for the highest bidder, for many its not about going to school, college, working hard, and having your own and then reaching back to help someone else. No, from what I'm witnessing, the mentality is to get ,get, get, with minimal work, take, take, take, with no remorse, and display your assets to hopefully GET A BALLER, a MILLIONAIRE, A PAYCHECK. Then once you score the big check flaunt it for all the world to see, to gain the admiration of strangers. The need to be loved, admired, and have an empty part within oneself filled with a superficial unrealisticlove.
For many of us who are older and came up in a simpler time, hard work was encouraged, education was emphasized and self worth, and the love of God was all apart of daily life. You may be like me, shaking your head daily at the foolishness that is seen and heard everywhere. I thank my God for my mother and father for the wisdom and common sense they taught me.
Now that I have a child of my own, it all makes so much sense. Many of the ills of society that we are seeing today in my opinion are a direct result of the breakdown of the family and lack of self love. Where do adults get their first dose of self esteem, self worth, self love? From their parents! So if that is not there the result is what we are seeing today. Women half dressed for the attention they never got when they were children from a male role model in the home. Women looking for that "daddy" to take care of them because they never had anyone to take care of them as a child. Many women suffering from a lack of self identity because no one validated them when they were young, so you have clones of zombies dressing, speaking and acting like these so called "ICONS" they see on t.v.
I think often about my own father who left this earth 3 years now, a proud Marine, a World War 2 Vet ,and most important A MAN, who was always there for me. Now that I have a daughter it's so important to pass the wisdom my father taught me on to her. are some things my dad taught me and shared with me as I was coming up. Some of the things are simple, some are humorous, but mostly many are things I think about as an adult and find myself passing on to others.
1.When you meet someone, always look them in their eyes when you speak to them. If you when you speak to someone and they avoid eye contact, walk on away from them, something ain't right.
2.When you walk ,walk upright, shoulders back, gut sucked in, walk with purpose. Alot can be told about the way a person enters a room, confidence is all over the way you walk.
3.If you meet someone and their teeth and nails are not clean, chances are, they aren't.
4.Never fool with a man who don't (and I am quoting my dad and mom on this one) don't have a pot to piss in nor a window to throw it out of. (now that's old school!!) In other words don't mess with a man with bad CREDIT, How you think HE MESSED HIS CREDIT UP? Daddy always said, you lay with dogs?
you will get fleas! And sometimes you can get something you can't get rid of!!!
This one killed me, 5.don't trust a man in pointy toe shoes.(I don't know why he said this but apparently my dad thought men in pointy toe shoes wasn't bout nothing, as he would say.
6. Never forget where you come from, nothing comes before blood (family)
7.Never let a man affect your health nor your wealth.
8 .Make a quarter? save a dime,
9. If you want to know how a man will treat you? Look at how he treats his momma!!
And 10.Stay away from those who wear a $5 Dollar hat on a 10 Cent Head!!! And boy do we see this EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! Folks walking round worried about their outside appearances all flashy and fancy but on the inside they are a HOT ASS MESS!!! And I mean in every sense of those words, emotionally, health wise(dirty) physically, and mentally!!! My dad was so wise, but I guess if you stay on this earth longer than 80 years you would be too.
Dang.....I miss my daddy, he was hilarious, one of the funniest people I have ever known, my friend,
and my hero. His legacy lives on not only through myself and my 3 brothers, but the many he touched his sense of humor, common sense and wisdom. I pass that wisdom on to my own child and to those of you who have taken the time to read this.
As always, get life, this ain't no dress rehearsal, and daddy.....I'll see you at the crossroads,
Love always, your baby girl............................
For many of us who are older and came up in a simpler time, hard work was encouraged, education was emphasized and self worth, and the love of God was all apart of daily life. You may be like me, shaking your head daily at the foolishness that is seen and heard everywhere. I thank my God for my mother and father for the wisdom and common sense they taught me.
Now that I have a child of my own, it all makes so much sense. Many of the ills of society that we are seeing today in my opinion are a direct result of the breakdown of the family and lack of self love. Where do adults get their first dose of self esteem, self worth, self love? From their parents! So if that is not there the result is what we are seeing today. Women half dressed for the attention they never got when they were children from a male role model in the home. Women looking for that "daddy" to take care of them because they never had anyone to take care of them as a child. Many women suffering from a lack of self identity because no one validated them when they were young, so you have clones of zombies dressing, speaking and acting like these so called "ICONS" they see on t.v.
I think often about my own father who left this earth 3 years now, a proud Marine, a World War 2 Vet ,and most important A MAN, who was always there for me. Now that I have a daughter it's so important to pass the wisdom my father taught me on to her. are some things my dad taught me and shared with me as I was coming up. Some of the things are simple, some are humorous, but mostly many are things I think about as an adult and find myself passing on to others.
1.When you meet someone, always look them in their eyes when you speak to them. If you when you speak to someone and they avoid eye contact, walk on away from them, something ain't right.
2.When you walk ,walk upright, shoulders back, gut sucked in, walk with purpose. Alot can be told about the way a person enters a room, confidence is all over the way you walk.
3.If you meet someone and their teeth and nails are not clean, chances are, they aren't.
4.Never fool with a man who don't (and I am quoting my dad and mom on this one) don't have a pot to piss in nor a window to throw it out of. (now that's old school!!) In other words don't mess with a man with bad CREDIT, How you think HE MESSED HIS CREDIT UP? Daddy always said, you lay with dogs?
you will get fleas! And sometimes you can get something you can't get rid of!!!
This one killed me, 5.don't trust a man in pointy toe shoes.(I don't know why he said this but apparently my dad thought men in pointy toe shoes wasn't bout nothing, as he would say.
6. Never forget where you come from, nothing comes before blood (family)
7.Never let a man affect your health nor your wealth.
8 .Make a quarter? save a dime,
9. If you want to know how a man will treat you? Look at how he treats his momma!!
And 10.Stay away from those who wear a $5 Dollar hat on a 10 Cent Head!!! And boy do we see this EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! Folks walking round worried about their outside appearances all flashy and fancy but on the inside they are a HOT ASS MESS!!! And I mean in every sense of those words, emotionally, health wise(dirty) physically, and mentally!!! My dad was so wise, but I guess if you stay on this earth longer than 80 years you would be too.
Dang.....I miss my daddy, he was hilarious, one of the funniest people I have ever known, my friend,
and my hero. His legacy lives on not only through myself and my 3 brothers, but the many he touched his sense of humor, common sense and wisdom. I pass that wisdom on to my own child and to those of you who have taken the time to read this.
As always, get life, this ain't no dress rehearsal, and daddy.....I'll see you at the crossroads,
Love always, your baby girl............................
Friday, October 21, 2011
The Olivia Fox Fix: HOW DO YOU MEND A BROKEN HEART?: Time passes so fast, and even though it sounds like a cliche, IT REALLY DOES! Look at me, I haven't blogged since September 2011, nearly 2 ...
Time passes so fast, and even though it sounds like a cliche, IT REALLY DOES! Look at me, I haven't blogged since September 2011, nearly 2 months. I write when the mood strikes me, when I want to vent about a particular subject matter, or when something has happened to me or near me and I feel like sharing, so maybe it can help someone else.
In this particular instance, a little of all three has occurred.
The age old question, how do you mend a broken heart? How does one recover? How does one pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and move forward? Is there life after a heart break? If so,
WHERE IS IT? AND HOW DOES ONE GET TO THAT POINT? Let me put this out there right now...DISCLAIMER, DISCLAIMER....I am no doctor, I have no training in helping those with emotional problems or people who have suffered an emotional upset or trauma. But like so many, especially women, I have been in love, I have lost love, I have been in lust, DEEP HOT CRAZY OUT YO MIND I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS MAN GOT ME OUT HERE LIKE THIS... LUST, (smile) I have had a problem with getting rid of a few past love interest, restraining orders... don't even get me started on that.... And so, by sharing some of the things that worked for me, it can perhaps help someone else.
The first thing one has to do with all problem not just those of the heart is to ACKNOWLEDGE
the heart ache, the heart break, the love lost. Many of us are in denial when we know DAM WELL, its a wrap!!! Many times only one of the persons involved in the relationship knows that the relationship has ended meanwhile, the other is trying to fix it, trying to make it work, holding on like a 11week old weave that should have been put out it's misery 6 weeks ago. Its tough to face the fact that someone you love, either no longer loves you, or can't love you the way you need to be loved.
So in order to move forward you have to be in your right mind and know its A WRAP!!
Next, what do you want for yourself? Do you feel that you are worth a relationship that makes you happy or content more often than miserable and sad? Due to child hood traumas especially little girls, they aren't validated by their fathers, they don't get the attention or admiration from a male role model. So.... they grow up equating sex with love, any attention rather it be negative, degrading, disrespectful or lacking is better than nothing. They have such a low self image of themselves, they subconsciously believe they are not worth a healthy relationship. Maybe they came up in violence or a cheating womanizing father, so unless the man they are with as an adult is cheating, arguing, fighting etc, she may feel like it's not normal. Unfortunately we all come with baggage from childhood, the trick of it is to again acknowledge it, figure out what it has done to you as an adult and make a decision, do I want to continue to live like this? Do I want a different life for myself?
Next don't beat yourself up for wanting that relationship, back sliding.some people can be as addictive as a drug, case in point a guy I once knew, lets call him, "THAT NARCOTIC!".
He truly was a drug, if I knew I was going to see him I'd be excited, like a little crack head awaiting that next rock, if I didn't see him, I'd feel like, I was going into withdrawals like them folks on I the TV show Intervention who can't get their meth. When I see him and with him its like the bliss of a Heroin hit like those folks on Intervention who always end up in a nasty ass, dirty ass, gas station bathroom, on a toilet with dirty ass nails, and a beyond filthy toilet shooting up their next fix, then lying back like they have been hit by a tractor trailer.
Oh and fellas.... here's one for your memory, most women have THAT ONE GUY, who makes them still to this day..... lose their religion, just to think of him. And... there's a good chance? YOU NOT HIM!!!! And for you ladies who haven't experience that guy?.... I hate that for you(smile) I digress....
But treat the retreat as it is a drug rehab stint. The thing about an addiction, you can't leave one addiction and go to another one and expect to have success. So many people will leave one relationship and in order to get over that one, they start something else. You haven't even dealt with the last mess you were involved in. Especially if there are children involved! SIT YO ASS DOWN SOMEWHERE!... and get full closure of one relationship before bringing someone else in your mess. You are still involved emotionally with someone else and then get sexually involved with someone else, who may end up falling for you and you
aren't even honestly capable of being with them on that level, because you still tripping off the last person you are with.
A HOT ASS MESS! This is how mess gets started. Lets say for spits and giggles, you with a man you or him are married, or involved with someone else, separated, but still married or tied, neither one of you have filed for divorce and or not really legally separated , but here you two are involved with one another, and yo MESSY ASSES ARE STILL INVOLVED WITH YOUR SPOUSES!!! Nowwhat in the ham sandwich are ya'll doing and do you really think that hot mess will work out?!!! This is how people get hurt, babies are made, and as a result folks END UP ON MAURY, folks get stalked and in some instances on the real tip KILLED. Stranger things have happened and one thing you have to keep in the back of your mind at all times... YOU NEVER KNOW A PERSON'S MENTAL STATE, AND WHAT PEOPLE ARE CAPABLE OF WHEN EMOTIONS, PASSION, AND MATTERS OF THE HEART ARE INVOLVED!
So.... anyway make a long story more drawn out, I think the only real remedy for a broken heart is... TIME! Time to acknowledge, reflect, claim responsibility, learn and move on. At least that's how I got over my heart ache, and alot of REDBOX MOVIE RENTALS.(smile)
Remember, GET LIFE, this ain't no dress rehearsal, and also... if you just got out of a relationship, marriage, living with someone and its over....SIT YO ASS DOWN SOMEWHERE AND ACKNOWLEDGE IT, REFLECT UPON IT, CLAIM YOUR RESPONSIBILITY IN THE DEMISE, LEARN FROM IT .....THEN.....
MOVE ON OR AS JAY Z SAYS....On to the next one!
In this particular instance, a little of all three has occurred.
The age old question, how do you mend a broken heart? How does one recover? How does one pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and move forward? Is there life after a heart break? If so,
WHERE IS IT? AND HOW DOES ONE GET TO THAT POINT? Let me put this out there right now...DISCLAIMER, DISCLAIMER....I am no doctor, I have no training in helping those with emotional problems or people who have suffered an emotional upset or trauma. But like so many, especially women, I have been in love, I have lost love, I have been in lust, DEEP HOT CRAZY OUT YO MIND I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS MAN GOT ME OUT HERE LIKE THIS... LUST, (smile) I have had a problem with getting rid of a few past love interest, restraining orders... don't even get me started on that.... And so, by sharing some of the things that worked for me, it can perhaps help someone else.
The first thing one has to do with all problem not just those of the heart is to ACKNOWLEDGE
the heart ache, the heart break, the love lost. Many of us are in denial when we know DAM WELL, its a wrap!!! Many times only one of the persons involved in the relationship knows that the relationship has ended meanwhile, the other is trying to fix it, trying to make it work, holding on like a 11week old weave that should have been put out it's misery 6 weeks ago. Its tough to face the fact that someone you love, either no longer loves you, or can't love you the way you need to be loved.
So in order to move forward you have to be in your right mind and know its A WRAP!!
Next, what do you want for yourself? Do you feel that you are worth a relationship that makes you happy or content more often than miserable and sad? Due to child hood traumas especially little girls, they aren't validated by their fathers, they don't get the attention or admiration from a male role model. So.... they grow up equating sex with love, any attention rather it be negative, degrading, disrespectful or lacking is better than nothing. They have such a low self image of themselves, they subconsciously believe they are not worth a healthy relationship. Maybe they came up in violence or a cheating womanizing father, so unless the man they are with as an adult is cheating, arguing, fighting etc, she may feel like it's not normal. Unfortunately we all come with baggage from childhood, the trick of it is to again acknowledge it, figure out what it has done to you as an adult and make a decision, do I want to continue to live like this? Do I want a different life for myself?
Next don't beat yourself up for wanting that relationship, back sliding.some people can be as addictive as a drug, case in point a guy I once knew, lets call him, "THAT NARCOTIC!".
He truly was a drug, if I knew I was going to see him I'd be excited, like a little crack head awaiting that next rock, if I didn't see him, I'd feel like, I was going into withdrawals like them folks on I the TV show Intervention who can't get their meth. When I see him and with him its like the bliss of a Heroin hit like those folks on Intervention who always end up in a nasty ass, dirty ass, gas station bathroom, on a toilet with dirty ass nails, and a beyond filthy toilet shooting up their next fix, then lying back like they have been hit by a tractor trailer.
Oh and fellas.... here's one for your memory, most women have THAT ONE GUY, who makes them still to this day..... lose their religion, just to think of him. And... there's a good chance? YOU NOT HIM!!!! And for you ladies who haven't experience that guy?.... I hate that for you(smile) I digress....
But treat the retreat as it is a drug rehab stint. The thing about an addiction, you can't leave one addiction and go to another one and expect to have success. So many people will leave one relationship and in order to get over that one, they start something else. You haven't even dealt with the last mess you were involved in. Especially if there are children involved! SIT YO ASS DOWN SOMEWHERE!... and get full closure of one relationship before bringing someone else in your mess. You are still involved emotionally with someone else and then get sexually involved with someone else, who may end up falling for you and you
aren't even honestly capable of being with them on that level, because you still tripping off the last person you are with.
A HOT ASS MESS! This is how mess gets started. Lets say for spits and giggles, you with a man you or him are married, or involved with someone else, separated, but still married or tied, neither one of you have filed for divorce and or not really legally separated , but here you two are involved with one another, and yo MESSY ASSES ARE STILL INVOLVED WITH YOUR SPOUSES!!! Nowwhat in the ham sandwich are ya'll doing and do you really think that hot mess will work out?!!! This is how people get hurt, babies are made, and as a result folks END UP ON MAURY, folks get stalked and in some instances on the real tip KILLED. Stranger things have happened and one thing you have to keep in the back of your mind at all times... YOU NEVER KNOW A PERSON'S MENTAL STATE, AND WHAT PEOPLE ARE CAPABLE OF WHEN EMOTIONS, PASSION, AND MATTERS OF THE HEART ARE INVOLVED!
So.... anyway make a long story more drawn out, I think the only real remedy for a broken heart is... TIME! Time to acknowledge, reflect, claim responsibility, learn and move on. At least that's how I got over my heart ache, and alot of REDBOX MOVIE RENTALS.(smile)
Remember, GET LIFE, this ain't no dress rehearsal, and also... if you just got out of a relationship, marriage, living with someone and its over....SIT YO ASS DOWN SOMEWHERE AND ACKNOWLEDGE IT, REFLECT UPON IT, CLAIM YOUR RESPONSIBILITY IN THE DEMISE, LEARN FROM IT .....THEN.....
MOVE ON OR AS JAY Z SAYS....On to the next one!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
What a week August 22-28 2011 will go down in the history books for those of us on the East coast of the country. On August 22 in our neighboring state of Virginia an earthquake measuring 5.8 struck. Imagine THAT, an earthquake, then 5 days later a category 1/borderline 2 Hurricane Irene hits the east coast with wind ,rain, and all the damage that comes with such a disaster, I mean REALLY? An earthquake? On the east coast REALLY? It still sounds crazy a week later!! Mother nature has CUT A FOOL and who can blame her, look what we have done to her? I'm surprised more hasn't occurred. And yet here we are another hurricane is forming and now named Katia while fires due to drought spread in parts of the southwest part of the country. I just recently discovered another aftershock hit Virginia just this morning measuring a little over 3. Im like DAG.... you can hardly get yourself together before something else occurs SO what have we learned from one natural disaster to another? Well I don't know about you, but I keeps me some bottled water, candles, batteries, lighters, flashlights, wet wipes, non perishable foods, zip lock bags, trash bags, copies of every important document I have, life insurance policies,passports, car registration, birth certificates, home owners/renters insurance, list of creditors with all the pertinent information, investment documents, drivers license medical insurance information and copies of all medication prescriptions and contact information of all relatives, doctors, friends and clients.
The worst time to be looking for the above items is when your belongings are blowing around surrounding areas of where your home USED TO BE. In these uncertain times, where sure... it is important to have faith and belief in the higher good, one MUST be prepared for the unimaginable! So TODAY... this is what I'm going to need for each of you to do. 1. GET A PLAN! What if a natural disaster, or
God forbid another terrorist attack occurs? What is your plan? How will you communicate, where will you or how will you get to your loved ones? Where will you meet? Get a plan people, it's not too far fetched to think any of these possibilities could happen. If you needed to get to your children and you couldn't, who could? Would your child know how to get home?, Do your kids even know all the important information? Name, parent's name, phone numbers ,address? If not, take the time to teach your child that information.
2. GET YOUR SUPPLIES UP! There are some of us who are STILL without power? Here we are 4 days after the hurricane hit the Washington DC area, how are you surviving? What if there was no hotel to go to, no relative or friends to crash with who have electricity, what if we ALL WERE WITHOUT POWER, then what? What would you eat? How would you clean yourselves, water? your pets?
HOW WOULD YOU SURVIVE? I'm not saying you have to build a nucleur bunker, however it would be wreck less to not think it can't happen!!! 10 years ago it happened on 9/11 ,Katrina happened and many people lost EVERYTHING! Some not as lucky so it CAN happen. Get your supplies up, water, food for 4 days for each person. Sounds a bit much, I know, but if something happens, you will be happy you went to Costco, Sam's, or Walmart and got 4 cases of water, fruit cups, applesauce, etc....
3. COPIES COPIES COPIES!!! If your home caught fire, what would you do? Does anyone you love have copies of your important documents? Mine do!! My mother who lives in the Midwest has copies of my birth certificate my daughters, my passport, car information, medical records, life insurance home owners insurance etc.... Even if you place those documents in a safe deposit box just have the documents somewhere else other than where you live.
It truly is amazing that we live in a time where these things have to be even considered but as the old cliche goes IT IS WHAT IT IS, and I would rather be safe than sorry.
In parting, I personally want to send a condolence out to each and every family that lost a loved one from the recent hurricane, and for those who lost their homes and are rebuilding, I truly am sorry for all your heart ache and sorrow. Some of those who lost everything will never be the same however we pray that help and assistance will help to get your lives back on track.
As always GET LIFE BABY, and enjoy your life EVERYDAY, this ain't no dress rehearsal.
The worst time to be looking for the above items is when your belongings are blowing around surrounding areas of where your home USED TO BE. In these uncertain times, where sure... it is important to have faith and belief in the higher good, one MUST be prepared for the unimaginable! So TODAY... this is what I'm going to need for each of you to do. 1. GET A PLAN! What if a natural disaster, or
God forbid another terrorist attack occurs? What is your plan? How will you communicate, where will you or how will you get to your loved ones? Where will you meet? Get a plan people, it's not too far fetched to think any of these possibilities could happen. If you needed to get to your children and you couldn't, who could? Would your child know how to get home?, Do your kids even know all the important information? Name, parent's name, phone numbers ,address? If not, take the time to teach your child that information.
2. GET YOUR SUPPLIES UP! There are some of us who are STILL without power? Here we are 4 days after the hurricane hit the Washington DC area, how are you surviving? What if there was no hotel to go to, no relative or friends to crash with who have electricity, what if we ALL WERE WITHOUT POWER, then what? What would you eat? How would you clean yourselves, water? your pets?
HOW WOULD YOU SURVIVE? I'm not saying you have to build a nucleur bunker, however it would be wreck less to not think it can't happen!!! 10 years ago it happened on 9/11 ,Katrina happened and many people lost EVERYTHING! Some not as lucky so it CAN happen. Get your supplies up, water, food for 4 days for each person. Sounds a bit much, I know, but if something happens, you will be happy you went to Costco, Sam's, or Walmart and got 4 cases of water, fruit cups, applesauce, etc....
3. COPIES COPIES COPIES!!! If your home caught fire, what would you do? Does anyone you love have copies of your important documents? Mine do!! My mother who lives in the Midwest has copies of my birth certificate my daughters, my passport, car information, medical records, life insurance home owners insurance etc.... Even if you place those documents in a safe deposit box just have the documents somewhere else other than where you live.
It truly is amazing that we live in a time where these things have to be even considered but as the old cliche goes IT IS WHAT IT IS, and I would rather be safe than sorry.
In parting, I personally want to send a condolence out to each and every family that lost a loved one from the recent hurricane, and for those who lost their homes and are rebuilding, I truly am sorry for all your heart ache and sorrow. Some of those who lost everything will never be the same however we pray that help and assistance will help to get your lives back on track.
As always GET LIFE BABY, and enjoy your life EVERYDAY, this ain't no dress rehearsal.
Monday, August 15, 2011
The Olivia Fox Fix: BACK TO SCHOOL? Really?.....ok wait a minute why i...
The Olivia Fox Fix: BACK TO SCHOOL? Really?.....ok wait a minute why i...: "Well ladies and gentlemen, it has happened again....TIME HAS FLOWN BY and right around the corner for those of us who care, KIDS ARE GOING B..."
BACK TO SCHOOL? Really?.....ok wait a minute why is time flying? Or is it just me
Well ladies and gentlemen, it has happened again....TIME HAS FLOWN BY and right around the corner for those of us who care, KIDS ARE GOING BACK TO SCHOOL!! NOW.... parents, grand parents, guardians, contain your tears of sadness, because your little ones are going back to school
AND FOR SOME OF YOU,somebody Else's PROBLEM...some of yawl know who YOU ARE
(please don't make me put you AND yo baddass kids ON BLAST, kids bout to be some poor teacher's HUGE PROBLEM!....
Whatever your situation is with your "CHEER RUN, some of us are less than a week away from the 1st day of school and some of you have a few weeks left, but whatever it is, there is still time to knock some things out to prepare for the new school year.
First, get organized people. I have only 1 child but getting ready to go back to school can be a handful and at times,a challenge. Sitting down and looking at what was going to be going on in the next couple of months, kinda crazy! Lacrosse, soccer, track, gymnastics, karate, ballet, girl scouts,or is it brownies? mmodeling. acting, does she want to play an instrument, does she want to try tap dancing again, swimming, diving, the list goes on and on. Then there's aftercare,learning a foreign language, tutoring if needed, will she take lunch to school or will she buy it there, will she walk, or ride the bus? So many decisions, so little time.
Here's the thing, if you remember what it was like when you were a kid, and remember what it was like to NOT have every freaking minute of your day scheduled, you will keep this in mind when deciding WITH YOUR KIDS what it is they want to do. So many parents are a trip, and a hot mess, trying to make their kid into the next Michael Jordan, or Venus or Serena Williams, or Mike Vick, pushing the child every single minute of their free time trying to RELIVE their youth through the child!
I knew someone once who was like that, a former athlete who DIDN'T MAKE IT TO THE PROS, and now his poor children breathe, eat, and sleep athletics. When I asked him yo do you think they get tired of practicing and rippin and running trying to PLEASE YOU, he says, "THEY LIKE IT"!!! Well of course they do because if they can make daddy proud then they get that love. Some people lack common sense and fail to understand basic child psychology.
Not to say there aren't kids out here who DO ENJOY the sport or activity they are involved in ,the key is to find that activity that they naturally drawn to and enjoy. Nothing sadder than seeing poor kids FORCED TO BE SOMETHING THEIR PARENTS COULD NEVER BE OR DO.
Second, with this economy being as it is, TRASHED.... you know it's bad when the very country you live in has BAD CREDIT!!! (smile) I wouldn't even say the country's credit is bad, but times are hard out here nothing surprises me.
Where was I? My rambling ass.... My 2nd point was to simply get a grip on what you working with. In terms of money and extras because most activities your kids want to participate in cost, in some kind of way. Once you know what's out there available to your child, and they actually have an interest in it, and you can afford it, that's most of the work. Seems kinda simple doesn't it? Giving this information kinda reminds me of that ONE person in EVERY family who is always making a big TA Do about something, quiets everyone down and you think..."EWWWW..... he bout to drop some knowledge" Only to be told some ole OBVIOUS INFORMATION. If you are like me, you are quick to say... WE KNEW THAT... HELL.... SIT YO ASS DOWN SOMEWHERE!!! (smile) as usual I digress.
The moral of this blog is get ready for the upcoming school year, get organized, talk to your kids and find out what interest them, peep your finances, then make your move. I suppose I could have JUST SAID THAT, and this would have been a very short blog. BUT..... you know how I do!!!
As always, get life baby, this ain't no dress rehearsal!!!!
AND FOR SOME OF YOU,somebody Else's PROBLEM...some of yawl know who YOU ARE
(please don't make me put you AND yo baddass kids ON BLAST, kids bout to be some poor teacher's HUGE PROBLEM!....
Whatever your situation is with your "CHEER RUN, some of us are less than a week away from the 1st day of school and some of you have a few weeks left, but whatever it is, there is still time to knock some things out to prepare for the new school year.
First, get organized people. I have only 1 child but getting ready to go back to school can be a handful and at times,a challenge. Sitting down and looking at what was going to be going on in the next couple of months, kinda crazy! Lacrosse, soccer, track, gymnastics, karate, ballet, girl scouts,or is it brownies? mmodeling. acting, does she want to play an instrument, does she want to try tap dancing again, swimming, diving, the list goes on and on. Then there's aftercare,learning a foreign language, tutoring if needed, will she take lunch to school or will she buy it there, will she walk, or ride the bus? So many decisions, so little time.
Here's the thing, if you remember what it was like when you were a kid, and remember what it was like to NOT have every freaking minute of your day scheduled, you will keep this in mind when deciding WITH YOUR KIDS what it is they want to do. So many parents are a trip, and a hot mess, trying to make their kid into the next Michael Jordan, or Venus or Serena Williams, or Mike Vick, pushing the child every single minute of their free time trying to RELIVE their youth through the child!
I knew someone once who was like that, a former athlete who DIDN'T MAKE IT TO THE PROS, and now his poor children breathe, eat, and sleep athletics. When I asked him yo do you think they get tired of practicing and rippin and running trying to PLEASE YOU, he says, "THEY LIKE IT"!!! Well of course they do because if they can make daddy proud then they get that love. Some people lack common sense and fail to understand basic child psychology.
Not to say there aren't kids out here who DO ENJOY the sport or activity they are involved in ,the key is to find that activity that they naturally drawn to and enjoy. Nothing sadder than seeing poor kids FORCED TO BE SOMETHING THEIR PARENTS COULD NEVER BE OR DO.
Second, with this economy being as it is, TRASHED.... you know it's bad when the very country you live in has BAD CREDIT!!! (smile) I wouldn't even say the country's credit is bad, but times are hard out here nothing surprises me.
Where was I? My rambling ass.... My 2nd point was to simply get a grip on what you working with. In terms of money and extras because most activities your kids want to participate in cost, in some kind of way. Once you know what's out there available to your child, and they actually have an interest in it, and you can afford it, that's most of the work. Seems kinda simple doesn't it? Giving this information kinda reminds me of that ONE person in EVERY family who is always making a big TA Do about something, quiets everyone down and you think..."EWWWW..... he bout to drop some knowledge" Only to be told some ole OBVIOUS INFORMATION. If you are like me, you are quick to say... WE KNEW THAT... HELL.... SIT YO ASS DOWN SOMEWHERE!!! (smile) as usual I digress.
The moral of this blog is get ready for the upcoming school year, get organized, talk to your kids and find out what interest them, peep your finances, then make your move. I suppose I could have JUST SAID THAT, and this would have been a very short blog. BUT..... you know how I do!!!
As always, get life baby, this ain't no dress rehearsal!!!!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Just keep on living......
My mother, whom I love dearly, her favorite sayings is, "just keep on living" and when she would say it I would imagine, and this is going to sound harsh, but I imagined every time she would say it, IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE ING SOUND OF LIVING, I would smash her in the face with a whip cream pie!!! It would annoy me SO BAD, and I guess rightfully so, because as a YOUT
(one of my favorite lines from the movie My Cousin Vinny) it didn't make sense to me. I'm thinking, why do you keep saying that? It really states the obvious momma,
just keep on living? Mommy... you not saying NOTHING...! If one doesn't keep on living? YOU DEAD!! so why in the ham sandwich are you even saying it?
But now that I have a little age on me, and a kid who is 7 going on 37, super intelligent, inquisitive, and always challenging any and everything she is not 100 percent clear on ( my momma says I was the same way, and children are just God's way of getting back at baddass kids who grow up to have children who are the EXACT WAY they were when they were children) I digress.....A.D.D......
Anyway.... dag.... where was I? oh yeah.... so anyway.... now that I am older I finally GET IT!!! You truly have to live, experience, acknowledge, adjust to, deal with, and get over it!!!! As a young person any minor setback, disappointment would destroy me. Crushing.... But as you age ,hopefully.... and
KEEP ON LIVING.... you develop better coping skills. Skills that equip you to handle life's little challenges.
Now..... along with that age and these new coping skills, hopefully you are a person who has learned from the past and make the appropriate adjustments to not have to keep experiencing the same trauma over and over.
I'm going to assume you are a sane person, because insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome So..... if you are sane, you have mastered the ability to discontinue toxic behavior that lands you in the same situation. Be it matters of the heart, your professional life, your personal relationships with friends and or family regardless, you have been able to handle things.
For myself in the past 3 years, my faith in God and understanding and believing God has and always will have a purpose for all that has happened and ultimately ALWAYS HAS my back, my faith has lessened the blows of life's challenges and disappointments. I have found with my faith, it has given me an edge in dealing with stress.
Recently I was having some real personal setbacks, I mean if I had the time and energy to go into the chaos that has surrounded my life, someone would be trying to plan an Olivia Fox Aid Benefit Concert to raise funds for psychological assistance. I can see the t.v. commercials now....
"Wont you give... to this cause".... Olivia Fox.... a seasoned professional caught in the middle of New York Ave in Washington DC. in a tank top with half her GUT and muffin top hanging out, cause her dam shirt is TOO YOUNG and a grass hula skirt talking to herself OUT OF HER MIND, due to too much drama, setbacks, loss, and bad news where she literally is sitting on a cooler with a hair brush in her hand holding a full tilt radio style interview with a stuffed teddy bear sitting in a dirty baby high chair....
I'm hollering cause I SEE IT!.... But we don't have enough time to go into my life and the chaos that it has seen....
But I will tell you, if it wasn't for my faith, and my ability to cope, that imaginary vision would be a reality.
So I say all this to say......The thing I have learned most from mamma's saying "to keep on living", is ..
you age and for most of us, we learn. We learn..... IT IS WHAT IT IS, regardless how traumatic, sad, disappointing, crushing, devastating, IT IS.... WHAT THE HELL YOU THOUGHT IT WAS!...... IT IS.
Redundancy in its finest form. But once you truly acknowledge WHAT IT IS, then..... you HAVE TO ACKNOWLEDGE IT. Then take responsibility if needed of your role in what that situation is. What did you do or not do? And why did you do what you did? Did you get the lesson?
Next, place the situation in a realistic light. Meaning, so many times it may not be the problem that crushes us, but THE WAY YOU PERCEIVE IT AND REACT TO IT. Perhaps the problem's shadow, which in the mind's eye, is how you perceive the situation, is bigger than what the initial situation is.
Am I making sense? Basically............................
SIT YO ASS DOWN SOMEWHERE AND GET A GRIP!!!! Breathe..... I am the queen of receiving bad news and each time I amaze myself. Because just when I thought.... ewww girl... if someone told me that? Or did that to me?.... I don't know if I could go on. Well guess what? YOU GO ON, and not only do you go on, YOU CAN THRIVE FROM IT, because God has provided you with a testimonial that could quite possibly help another person.
I have been told more than once by perfect strangers, which is strange in itself, but I have been told, my life, my experiences, good and bad, will serve as a testimonial for millions. I have been told as recent as this past Saturday that God has a magnificant plan for my life that will literally blow my mind because of the places and things I will be able to do with my story of faith, perseverance, patience and clarity. And each time I never worry or wonder how this will all come about. I receive it, acknowledge and thank these strangers for their words. But it turns out ,they always hit me with the good...."GOD told me to deliver this message to you!"
People are a trip to me and at least once a day someone says or does something that has me shaking my head and saying;....PEOPLE ARE A TRIP!.... But as I said ,I receive it and today when I opened my laptop, THIS MESSAGE came to me for someone who needed to receive. closing, I Love you momma and I have learned to love this saying. In fact I caught myself telling my daughter the same thing last week, and after I said it I was looking for a whip cream pie!!!! Hahahahaha....
As always GET LIFE.... this ain't no dress rehearsal.
*By the way... follow me on twitter@oliviafoxradio.... dam shame...... can't go through one blog without
self promoting... Hey.... Just keep on living.......(wink)
(one of my favorite lines from the movie My Cousin Vinny) it didn't make sense to me. I'm thinking, why do you keep saying that? It really states the obvious momma,
just keep on living? Mommy... you not saying NOTHING...! If one doesn't keep on living? YOU DEAD!! so why in the ham sandwich are you even saying it?
But now that I have a little age on me, and a kid who is 7 going on 37, super intelligent, inquisitive, and always challenging any and everything she is not 100 percent clear on ( my momma says I was the same way, and children are just God's way of getting back at baddass kids who grow up to have children who are the EXACT WAY they were when they were children) I digress.....A.D.D......
Anyway.... dag.... where was I? oh yeah.... so anyway.... now that I am older I finally GET IT!!! You truly have to live, experience, acknowledge, adjust to, deal with, and get over it!!!! As a young person any minor setback, disappointment would destroy me. Crushing.... But as you age ,hopefully.... and
KEEP ON LIVING.... you develop better coping skills. Skills that equip you to handle life's little challenges.
Now..... along with that age and these new coping skills, hopefully you are a person who has learned from the past and make the appropriate adjustments to not have to keep experiencing the same trauma over and over.
I'm going to assume you are a sane person, because insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome So..... if you are sane, you have mastered the ability to discontinue toxic behavior that lands you in the same situation. Be it matters of the heart, your professional life, your personal relationships with friends and or family regardless, you have been able to handle things.
For myself in the past 3 years, my faith in God and understanding and believing God has and always will have a purpose for all that has happened and ultimately ALWAYS HAS my back, my faith has lessened the blows of life's challenges and disappointments. I have found with my faith, it has given me an edge in dealing with stress.
Recently I was having some real personal setbacks, I mean if I had the time and energy to go into the chaos that has surrounded my life, someone would be trying to plan an Olivia Fox Aid Benefit Concert to raise funds for psychological assistance. I can see the t.v. commercials now....
"Wont you give... to this cause".... Olivia Fox.... a seasoned professional caught in the middle of New York Ave in Washington DC. in a tank top with half her GUT and muffin top hanging out, cause her dam shirt is TOO YOUNG and a grass hula skirt talking to herself OUT OF HER MIND, due to too much drama, setbacks, loss, and bad news where she literally is sitting on a cooler with a hair brush in her hand holding a full tilt radio style interview with a stuffed teddy bear sitting in a dirty baby high chair....
I'm hollering cause I SEE IT!.... But we don't have enough time to go into my life and the chaos that it has seen....
But I will tell you, if it wasn't for my faith, and my ability to cope, that imaginary vision would be a reality.
So I say all this to say......The thing I have learned most from mamma's saying "to keep on living", is ..
you age and for most of us, we learn. We learn..... IT IS WHAT IT IS, regardless how traumatic, sad, disappointing, crushing, devastating, IT IS.... WHAT THE HELL YOU THOUGHT IT WAS!...... IT IS.
Redundancy in its finest form. But once you truly acknowledge WHAT IT IS, then..... you HAVE TO ACKNOWLEDGE IT. Then take responsibility if needed of your role in what that situation is. What did you do or not do? And why did you do what you did? Did you get the lesson?
Next, place the situation in a realistic light. Meaning, so many times it may not be the problem that crushes us, but THE WAY YOU PERCEIVE IT AND REACT TO IT. Perhaps the problem's shadow, which in the mind's eye, is how you perceive the situation, is bigger than what the initial situation is.
Am I making sense? Basically............................
SIT YO ASS DOWN SOMEWHERE AND GET A GRIP!!!! Breathe..... I am the queen of receiving bad news and each time I amaze myself. Because just when I thought.... ewww girl... if someone told me that? Or did that to me?.... I don't know if I could go on. Well guess what? YOU GO ON, and not only do you go on, YOU CAN THRIVE FROM IT, because God has provided you with a testimonial that could quite possibly help another person.
I have been told more than once by perfect strangers, which is strange in itself, but I have been told, my life, my experiences, good and bad, will serve as a testimonial for millions. I have been told as recent as this past Saturday that God has a magnificant plan for my life that will literally blow my mind because of the places and things I will be able to do with my story of faith, perseverance, patience and clarity. And each time I never worry or wonder how this will all come about. I receive it, acknowledge and thank these strangers for their words. But it turns out ,they always hit me with the good...."GOD told me to deliver this message to you!"
People are a trip to me and at least once a day someone says or does something that has me shaking my head and saying;....PEOPLE ARE A TRIP!.... But as I said ,I receive it and today when I opened my laptop, THIS MESSAGE came to me for someone who needed to receive. closing, I Love you momma and I have learned to love this saying. In fact I caught myself telling my daughter the same thing last week, and after I said it I was looking for a whip cream pie!!!! Hahahahaha....
As always GET LIFE.... this ain't no dress rehearsal.
*By the way... follow me on twitter@oliviafoxradio.... dam shame...... can't go through one blog without
self promoting... Hey.... Just keep on living.......(wink)
Monday, June 6, 2011
Family Reunions..... ITS ON!!!!
Summertime is officially in full effect and with this time of the year comes kids being out of school, amusement park visits, June weddings, pool days, and a staple for most African Americans,
THE GOOD FAMILY REUNION. Now I may be wrong, because Lord knows I have been wrong so
many times before, not only wrong, but LOUD AND WRONG! But do other races have family reunions or is it a "black thang"? I have several non African American friends and rarely have I heard them speaking about the annual family reunion ritual. I think family reunions and black folks go together like black folks and the electric slide at a wedding, like black folks and spades and dominoe games, like black folks and hennesy, like black folks and Popeyes chicken, like black folks and pit bulls. Have I used all the stereotypes? But really, everyone I know who is an African American has had, is having or planning the good family reunion, it's apart of us. And isn't it wonderful and fun, everyone who is related to you in some kind of capacity come together for a weekend of fun, picnics, spade games, drinking, eating ,and getting caught up with everyone in the fam.
I just recently attended my family reunion in St. Louis, Missouri my hometown and boy was it fun. Seeing your kin folk, getting reconnected, seeing who is balling, who is not, who has gained weight, lost weight, who is in jail, or ON THAT STUFF, lost hair, had babies, graduated, dropped out, and my favorite seeing how the children in the fam have grown and matured. I love my family, we are fun loving, full of humor who enjoys life. The only part of the reunion that brings sadness is to see who has gone on to the upper room, who has died, (for those who dont know what the upper room is about). But even with that, you can always see how that person has affected those who are still here, and their spirits are felt during the gathering.
So with the family reunion season in full effect I thought I would set some ground rules for those of you who will plan, pack and travel to your family gathering for this years family reunions. If you are traveling out of town, state etc... touch bases with your other relatives that live in your area who are traveling as well. Times are tough, folks are out of work gas is high, make a plan. It may be financially beneficial to travel together, car pool, pull your resources together to get there for less. Know where you are going and make sure if there is fee involved for the activities that they are paid. Don't be that one trifling relative that not only shows up and you haven't paid a quarter towards the fees for the reunion, but you dragging 4 and 5 OTHER FOLK to the reunion and nayer one of ya'll have any money to contribute. Come on man this is your blood, dont do that. Also if you are in charge of buying the t shirts to be handed out to the family at the picnic, CAN YA'LL MAKE SURE THE DAM SHIRTS HAVE THE CORRECT SPELLING ON IT. There is nothing worse than seeing 100s of relatives walking around with tshirts with typos all on the dam shirts.
This one is real important, before congratulating a relative on being pregnant....MAKE SURE THEY ARE PREGNANT. Sometimes we are so quick to run out mouths and say the wrong thing, and trust me there is no way to recover from congratulating a relative on being pregnant and they aren't, they are just swole overweight, and belly is looking like she is about 8 months pregnant.. So how bout this, just dont congratulate anyone on a pregnancy unless you over hear someone else saying so and so is pregnant. Keep an open eye on that member of the family that is known to dabble in an occasional crack binge, you know that cousin always talking bout, "let me hold 10 dollars". My father always taught me WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS..... CRY BROKE!!! Meaning just tell folks you are broke without cash, that way you never have to worry bout folks asking you for money. And finally this is for all the MEN FOLK, and I mean this.....keep in mind, if you are at your family reunion and you trying to holla at a female, there is a good chance...THATS YO DAM COUSIN!!! And stop going around asking folk does it count if you sleep with your 3rd cousin? THAT IS YOUR KIN.... with yo nasty ass!!!! Dang!!!
I hope you all enjoy your summer, to be honest I have no idea where this past school year went. I remember when it started, I remember the Christmas holidays well, but after that? A COMPLETE BLUR. But... we here now, so enjoy it. Remember to get life, this aint no dress rehearsal, get connected with your family
and enjoy!!
THE GOOD FAMILY REUNION. Now I may be wrong, because Lord knows I have been wrong so
many times before, not only wrong, but LOUD AND WRONG! But do other races have family reunions or is it a "black thang"? I have several non African American friends and rarely have I heard them speaking about the annual family reunion ritual. I think family reunions and black folks go together like black folks and the electric slide at a wedding, like black folks and spades and dominoe games, like black folks and hennesy, like black folks and Popeyes chicken, like black folks and pit bulls. Have I used all the stereotypes? But really, everyone I know who is an African American has had, is having or planning the good family reunion, it's apart of us. And isn't it wonderful and fun, everyone who is related to you in some kind of capacity come together for a weekend of fun, picnics, spade games, drinking, eating ,and getting caught up with everyone in the fam.
I just recently attended my family reunion in St. Louis, Missouri my hometown and boy was it fun. Seeing your kin folk, getting reconnected, seeing who is balling, who is not, who has gained weight, lost weight, who is in jail, or ON THAT STUFF, lost hair, had babies, graduated, dropped out, and my favorite seeing how the children in the fam have grown and matured. I love my family, we are fun loving, full of humor who enjoys life. The only part of the reunion that brings sadness is to see who has gone on to the upper room, who has died, (for those who dont know what the upper room is about). But even with that, you can always see how that person has affected those who are still here, and their spirits are felt during the gathering.
So with the family reunion season in full effect I thought I would set some ground rules for those of you who will plan, pack and travel to your family gathering for this years family reunions. If you are traveling out of town, state etc... touch bases with your other relatives that live in your area who are traveling as well. Times are tough, folks are out of work gas is high, make a plan. It may be financially beneficial to travel together, car pool, pull your resources together to get there for less. Know where you are going and make sure if there is fee involved for the activities that they are paid. Don't be that one trifling relative that not only shows up and you haven't paid a quarter towards the fees for the reunion, but you dragging 4 and 5 OTHER FOLK to the reunion and nayer one of ya'll have any money to contribute. Come on man this is your blood, dont do that. Also if you are in charge of buying the t shirts to be handed out to the family at the picnic, CAN YA'LL MAKE SURE THE DAM SHIRTS HAVE THE CORRECT SPELLING ON IT. There is nothing worse than seeing 100s of relatives walking around with tshirts with typos all on the dam shirts.
This one is real important, before congratulating a relative on being pregnant....MAKE SURE THEY ARE PREGNANT. Sometimes we are so quick to run out mouths and say the wrong thing, and trust me there is no way to recover from congratulating a relative on being pregnant and they aren't, they are just swole overweight, and belly is looking like she is about 8 months pregnant.. So how bout this, just dont congratulate anyone on a pregnancy unless you over hear someone else saying so and so is pregnant. Keep an open eye on that member of the family that is known to dabble in an occasional crack binge, you know that cousin always talking bout, "let me hold 10 dollars". My father always taught me WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS..... CRY BROKE!!! Meaning just tell folks you are broke without cash, that way you never have to worry bout folks asking you for money. And finally this is for all the MEN FOLK, and I mean this.....keep in mind, if you are at your family reunion and you trying to holla at a female, there is a good chance...THATS YO DAM COUSIN!!! And stop going around asking folk does it count if you sleep with your 3rd cousin? THAT IS YOUR KIN.... with yo nasty ass!!!! Dang!!!
I hope you all enjoy your summer, to be honest I have no idea where this past school year went. I remember when it started, I remember the Christmas holidays well, but after that? A COMPLETE BLUR. But... we here now, so enjoy it. Remember to get life, this aint no dress rehearsal, get connected with your family
and enjoy!!
Friday, May 13, 2011
The Olivia Fox Fix: What in the ham sandwich am I going to do with the...
The Olivia Fox Fix: What in the ham sandwich am I going to do with the...: "Parents believe it or notl this school year is quickly drawing to an end. I'm scratching my head like....'where did this entire year go so ..."
What in the ham sandwich am I going to do with these kids this summer?
Parents believe it or notl this school year is quickly drawing to an end. I'm scratching my head like...."where did this entire year go so fast?" Be that as it may, as my mom says, its almost over and now the question becomes what in the world am I going to do with these LITTLE BASTARDS for the summer?Ok maybe little bastards is harsh and completely inappropriate, but I CANNOT be the only parent who just wants to say that, at least once!
When I was young, many moons ago, I dont recall my mom and dad worrying about what to do with myself and my 3 older brothers, for the summer break, we were just trying to make it. Technology was NOT like it is today, so we thought everybody was doing what we were doing, letting tomorrow worry bout tomorrow, and enjoying today. Today with the divorce rate at 50 percent, and in most 2 parent homes, both parents are working in some type of capacity, money is tight and gas is outrageous!. Can folk really send kids to these expensive ass summer camps? How about ,golf, swimming, tennis, football, soccer, art, dance and karate lessons, not to mention money for a family summer vacation?
What advice can a mother of one, who salutes all parents who have more than one child, I dont know how ANYBODY raises MORE THAN ON... sorry I is some simple advice.
1. Get a calendar a planner in front of you, mark the end of the school year, and the day the next year school beginss, break the time up by weeks and then put in activities that are already in place that continue all year round. Like my kid is in horseback riding, it's all year round, put that activity on the planner. Then.... if you are going the camp route, figure out the scheldule of the camp and fill in the days that the camp will take place.
2. Budget, dont let your mouth write a check your bank account can't cover. Kids get hype and if they hear one of their little friends is taking part in a particular activity ,lesson, or camp, they will set you up by telling you that's what they want to do. You get caught up in the kid's enthusiam and say "oh yes that sounds like fun." When you go online to register, you discover this dam camp is 300 dollars A WEEK!! 10 weeks in your summer? YOU KNOW DAM WELL YOU DONT HAVE NO $3000 DOLLARS TO SPEND ON NO CAMP!!! So... with that being said ,check your finances and THEN LOOK AT ALL YOUR OPTIONS. Be sure to check your rec centers in yout area, YMCA and YWCA's and your kid's school usually will always have some kind of magazine, paper or fliers about local day camps.
3.Have fun with it. Last June I lost my job and I was so happy to NOT HAVE TO WORK and enjoy my kid, for the entire month of July we had MOMMY CAMP. I looked at all the places, and activities we could do and each day was something different. On a Monday we would go to the library in the morning, swimming in the early afternoon, then go home and either watch a video or do crafts. The next day we went to the zoo and then cooked dinner by following a recipe together and me being the creative, over hyping a simple thing, pro, by adding some flavor to the simple activity of cooking dinner, I told her we were going to play FRENCH CUISINE and put on aprons and top white chef hats and cook up a meal. It was so much fun.
Just remember these activities dont have to cost alot, picnics are free, most museums and library visits are free, zoo free, parks for hiking ,bicycling free. Going to the beach is the best, if you plan ahead you can get great hotel rates and make it a special 3 or 4 day long weekend and THAT IS YOUR SUMMER GET AWAY.
Look, times are hard, and children are little leaches who suck the life right out of you! Hahahaha... with your wallet following close behind, but all kidding a side, the thing about children is they grow up so fast and their youth is on a fast track and YOU CANT GET THE TIME BACK once it is gone. Most of us work, but the time you DO HAVE enjoy your kids. Because when they are grown and don't want to be bothered with yo old will wish you had taken the time to go camping in your back yard and hype it up as a fabulous retreat to back to nature.(smile)
Remember... this and RAISING KIDS,THERE ARE NO DRESS REHEARSALS!! Get life and enjoy them little bastards!! Ooops there I go again, thinking out loud.!!!
ROFLMAO. Enjoy your kids!!!!
When I was young, many moons ago, I dont recall my mom and dad worrying about what to do with myself and my 3 older brothers, for the summer break, we were just trying to make it. Technology was NOT like it is today, so we thought everybody was doing what we were doing, letting tomorrow worry bout tomorrow, and enjoying today. Today with the divorce rate at 50 percent, and in most 2 parent homes, both parents are working in some type of capacity, money is tight and gas is outrageous!. Can folk really send kids to these expensive ass summer camps? How about ,golf, swimming, tennis, football, soccer, art, dance and karate lessons, not to mention money for a family summer vacation?
What advice can a mother of one, who salutes all parents who have more than one child, I dont know how ANYBODY raises MORE THAN ON... sorry I is some simple advice.
1. Get a calendar a planner in front of you, mark the end of the school year, and the day the next year school beginss, break the time up by weeks and then put in activities that are already in place that continue all year round. Like my kid is in horseback riding, it's all year round, put that activity on the planner. Then.... if you are going the camp route, figure out the scheldule of the camp and fill in the days that the camp will take place.
2. Budget, dont let your mouth write a check your bank account can't cover. Kids get hype and if they hear one of their little friends is taking part in a particular activity ,lesson, or camp, they will set you up by telling you that's what they want to do. You get caught up in the kid's enthusiam and say "oh yes that sounds like fun." When you go online to register, you discover this dam camp is 300 dollars A WEEK!! 10 weeks in your summer? YOU KNOW DAM WELL YOU DONT HAVE NO $3000 DOLLARS TO SPEND ON NO CAMP!!! So... with that being said ,check your finances and THEN LOOK AT ALL YOUR OPTIONS. Be sure to check your rec centers in yout area, YMCA and YWCA's and your kid's school usually will always have some kind of magazine, paper or fliers about local day camps.
3.Have fun with it. Last June I lost my job and I was so happy to NOT HAVE TO WORK and enjoy my kid, for the entire month of July we had MOMMY CAMP. I looked at all the places, and activities we could do and each day was something different. On a Monday we would go to the library in the morning, swimming in the early afternoon, then go home and either watch a video or do crafts. The next day we went to the zoo and then cooked dinner by following a recipe together and me being the creative, over hyping a simple thing, pro, by adding some flavor to the simple activity of cooking dinner, I told her we were going to play FRENCH CUISINE and put on aprons and top white chef hats and cook up a meal. It was so much fun.
Just remember these activities dont have to cost alot, picnics are free, most museums and library visits are free, zoo free, parks for hiking ,bicycling free. Going to the beach is the best, if you plan ahead you can get great hotel rates and make it a special 3 or 4 day long weekend and THAT IS YOUR SUMMER GET AWAY.
Look, times are hard, and children are little leaches who suck the life right out of you! Hahahaha... with your wallet following close behind, but all kidding a side, the thing about children is they grow up so fast and their youth is on a fast track and YOU CANT GET THE TIME BACK once it is gone. Most of us work, but the time you DO HAVE enjoy your kids. Because when they are grown and don't want to be bothered with yo old will wish you had taken the time to go camping in your back yard and hype it up as a fabulous retreat to back to nature.(smile)
Remember... this and RAISING KIDS,THERE ARE NO DRESS REHEARSALS!! Get life and enjoy them little bastards!! Ooops there I go again, thinking out loud.!!!
ROFLMAO. Enjoy your kids!!!!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
The Olivia Fox Fix: ARE YOU TIRED OF SEEIING THE MAKEUP MONSTERS? ME ...: "As I sit here as I do each and every time the spirit moves me to blog, I try to be silent and still so the thing that is weighing heaviest o..."
As I sit here as I do each and every time the spirit moves me to blog, I try to be silent and still so the thing that is weighing heaviest on my spirit I can address in this blog. And today...... what is weighing most on my spirit is? Drum roll please?
Women and their makeup choices. Can I just say? I am not a doctor, an expert, or even a beauty consultant at the Mac counter, but I am going to play one of these today because I have to say something in regard to the things I see in my day to day life. First let me say this.... ATTENTION STRAIGHT WOMEN... THERE IS SO MUCH KNOWLEDGE WE CAN LEARN FROM OUR DEEP VOICED size12 PUMP WEARING SISTERS....DRAG QUEENS. Ok? Rupaul has really bought the art form of dragqueendom to mainstream, but honey.... I have known practically all my adult life. A QUEEN CAN BEAT A FACE BETTER THAN ANYONE! For all of you who are lacking in the homo friendly language, I said... A Gay man specifically a drag queen can make up a face better than anyone! So with that being said, let me just run down some things I have seen and tell you what I think.
Foundation... the base coat of the art that is the illusion of makeup. I am talking to all women, white ,black, brown, yellow,red or pink.... PLEASE!, if your neck is one color? MAKE YOUR FACE THAT COLOR OR AT LEAST MAKE AN HONORABLE ATTEMPT!!. Don't get me wrong, it CAN be a challenge, for an example, in the winter I tend to be as pale as the underbelly of a fish, it is difficult to find my perfect shade of foundation. But as any fine drag queen will tell you, BLEND, BABY ,BLEND! It may take a combo effort to get that just right color. And for you girls who don't need foundation cause your skin is SOOOOOO FLAWLESS.... Go to HELL!(SMILE)
But for the rest of us, make an attempt to match, unless of course you are rocking a turtleneck or a high placed scarf. I suppose your neck could look like a corpse (in my case) while your face looks like a
glorious South Beach tan. For my sisters with a little more color, please don't have your neck looking like Loretta Devine and yo face looking like Beyonce... not the REAL Beyonce, but that dam Beyonce in those Loreal print ads where she look like somebody dipped her in Covergirl's fair to light!
EYEBROWS.... do we really need to go there?
Eyebrows are like weaves....AT LEAST MAKE THEM BELIEVABLE!!!! Dang!
Eye shadow, if you look like a raccoon or like you got into a fight and you are on your 3rd day of bruising? WRONG COLOR FOR YOU!The same applies to lip color, cause I don't care what Nikki Minaj say....LIGHT E PINK LIPSTICK? AINT FOR EVERYBODY.
Seriously and while we on the lips....LIP LINER SHOULD MATCH OR AT LEAST BE IN THE SAME FAMILY OF COLOR THAT YOUR LIP COLOR IS IN! How many dam times do I need to see burgundy, brown and sometimes if you can even believe in 2011 folks are still wearing BLACK lip liner and the lips are colored in with a completely different color usually lighter. AND.. Oh my goodness I almost forgot.... LIP GLOSS AND GLASS!!! Really? If yo ass look like you just polished off some chicken, pork chops, greasy ass movie popcorn EXTRA HEART ATTACK (aka butter) All I am needing at this very moment is?... WHO SAID THAT LOOK WAS SEXY? WHO SAID THAT? Oh greasy mouth having ass.THAT is a big fat NEG A TIVE, NO!
I know.... I know..... its glamorous, it's fabulous... they open your eyes up, BUT.... REALLY?!
Long ass eyelashes at the gym? @Old Navy? @the grocery store, as you working the 10 items or less lane? @the post office, @ the OBGYN? COME ON!!!! Yo eyelashes are like a flashback to the Supremes in the 60s while upon further examination yo finger nail polish is chipped, 4 of your acrylic nails are missin, you out the house with no bra on, and your breast look like stomach curtains.... you out with no kind, of any type of LUBRICATION ON YO FEET, YO KNUCKLES? But ....yo eyelashes are fierce!!! Uughhh..... some of yawl need to SIMMUH DOWN NAH with the spider eyes.
Its all about moderation and what looks good on.... YOU!!! EVERYTHING IS NOT FOR EVERYBODY AND EVERYTHING IS NOT FOR EVERYDAY! That's all I'm saying.... And I know, some of yawl hating ass women are saying... because I have CALLED YOU OUT, "FIRST OF ALL..... WHO IN THE HELL IS A DAM OLIVIA FOX"? AND SECOND OF ALL, "Olivia, I know you aint talking, cause I seen yo bumpy ass, freckle face, having ass out and you aint all that"!!! And you know what I say?.....
SO WHAT..... BITCH!!!! (smile) hahahahahahahahaha... that's funny to me, I kill me I swear!
but on the serious tip, I am just one person who Blogger messed around and allowed me to blog, and it was on my spirit, SO....THERE..... I SAID IT!!! NOW....any questions?......
That's all I'm saying.........................
Women and their makeup choices. Can I just say? I am not a doctor, an expert, or even a beauty consultant at the Mac counter, but I am going to play one of these today because I have to say something in regard to the things I see in my day to day life. First let me say this.... ATTENTION STRAIGHT WOMEN... THERE IS SO MUCH KNOWLEDGE WE CAN LEARN FROM OUR DEEP VOICED size12 PUMP WEARING SISTERS....DRAG QUEENS. Ok? Rupaul has really bought the art form of dragqueendom to mainstream, but honey.... I have known practically all my adult life. A QUEEN CAN BEAT A FACE BETTER THAN ANYONE! For all of you who are lacking in the homo friendly language, I said... A Gay man specifically a drag queen can make up a face better than anyone! So with that being said, let me just run down some things I have seen and tell you what I think.
Foundation... the base coat of the art that is the illusion of makeup. I am talking to all women, white ,black, brown, yellow,red or pink.... PLEASE!, if your neck is one color? MAKE YOUR FACE THAT COLOR OR AT LEAST MAKE AN HONORABLE ATTEMPT!!. Don't get me wrong, it CAN be a challenge, for an example, in the winter I tend to be as pale as the underbelly of a fish, it is difficult to find my perfect shade of foundation. But as any fine drag queen will tell you, BLEND, BABY ,BLEND! It may take a combo effort to get that just right color. And for you girls who don't need foundation cause your skin is SOOOOOO FLAWLESS.... Go to HELL!(SMILE)
But for the rest of us, make an attempt to match, unless of course you are rocking a turtleneck or a high placed scarf. I suppose your neck could look like a corpse (in my case) while your face looks like a
glorious South Beach tan. For my sisters with a little more color, please don't have your neck looking like Loretta Devine and yo face looking like Beyonce... not the REAL Beyonce, but that dam Beyonce in those Loreal print ads where she look like somebody dipped her in Covergirl's fair to light!
EYEBROWS.... do we really need to go there?
Eyebrows are like weaves....AT LEAST MAKE THEM BELIEVABLE!!!! Dang!
Eye shadow, if you look like a raccoon or like you got into a fight and you are on your 3rd day of bruising? WRONG COLOR FOR YOU!The same applies to lip color, cause I don't care what Nikki Minaj say....LIGHT E PINK LIPSTICK? AINT FOR EVERYBODY.
Seriously and while we on the lips....LIP LINER SHOULD MATCH OR AT LEAST BE IN THE SAME FAMILY OF COLOR THAT YOUR LIP COLOR IS IN! How many dam times do I need to see burgundy, brown and sometimes if you can even believe in 2011 folks are still wearing BLACK lip liner and the lips are colored in with a completely different color usually lighter. AND.. Oh my goodness I almost forgot.... LIP GLOSS AND GLASS!!! Really? If yo ass look like you just polished off some chicken, pork chops, greasy ass movie popcorn EXTRA HEART ATTACK (aka butter) All I am needing at this very moment is?... WHO SAID THAT LOOK WAS SEXY? WHO SAID THAT? Oh greasy mouth having ass.THAT is a big fat NEG A TIVE, NO!
I know.... I know..... its glamorous, it's fabulous... they open your eyes up, BUT.... REALLY?!
Long ass eyelashes at the gym? @Old Navy? @the grocery store, as you working the 10 items or less lane? @the post office, @ the OBGYN? COME ON!!!! Yo eyelashes are like a flashback to the Supremes in the 60s while upon further examination yo finger nail polish is chipped, 4 of your acrylic nails are missin, you out the house with no bra on, and your breast look like stomach curtains.... you out with no kind, of any type of LUBRICATION ON YO FEET, YO KNUCKLES? But ....yo eyelashes are fierce!!! Uughhh..... some of yawl need to SIMMUH DOWN NAH with the spider eyes.
Its all about moderation and what looks good on.... YOU!!! EVERYTHING IS NOT FOR EVERYBODY AND EVERYTHING IS NOT FOR EVERYDAY! That's all I'm saying.... And I know, some of yawl hating ass women are saying... because I have CALLED YOU OUT, "FIRST OF ALL..... WHO IN THE HELL IS A DAM OLIVIA FOX"? AND SECOND OF ALL, "Olivia, I know you aint talking, cause I seen yo bumpy ass, freckle face, having ass out and you aint all that"!!! And you know what I say?.....
SO WHAT..... BITCH!!!! (smile) hahahahahahahahaha... that's funny to me, I kill me I swear!
but on the serious tip, I am just one person who Blogger messed around and allowed me to blog, and it was on my spirit, SO....THERE..... I SAID IT!!! NOW....any questions?......
That's all I'm saying.........................
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
The Olivia Fox Fix: Why WE always got to be a "Ne Ne"?
The Olivia Fox Fix: Why WE always got to be a "Ne Ne"?: "This subject has been on my spirit for a minute and at the advice of a good friend who follows my blogs he says, 'Olivia, yo long winded ass..."
Why WE always got to be a "Ne Ne"?
This subject has been on my spirit for a minute and at the advice of a good friend who follows my blogs he says, "Olivia, yo long winded ass, just make your point and end it already..... there(he said) I said it!(smile)" OK, because I am always up for constructive criticism here it is short and to the point.
please post your comment......
PSYCHE...... not the end but I had you for a minute didn't I. But seriously when I say a "Ne Ne" I am speaking about Ne Ne Leaks from the ever popular Housewives of Atlanta, and I'm not being mean spirited because I realize everyone has their own unique journey, and furthermore who am I to judge ignorance, if ignorance is getting you paid! Not necessarily how I intend on leaving my mark but if you like it
DO YOU BOO .....go for it.
As a black women with what I like to term a functioning brain and the ability to articulate a thought, it pisses me off when I look at mainstream media and see the same type of "black woman" portrayed in many television shows. These so called reality shows, which attempt to paint the picture that they are "real" ALWAYS have the angry, loud ,confrontational, materialistic, neck rolling, black woman as the staple. White women on these shows come in so many variations, the quiet timid white woman, the "I'm a lesbian, deal with it" white woman, the bombshell who gets what she wants, the all business Harvard graduate, the motor cycle, leather piercing, hard core white chick, the punk chick, the religious chick, the single mom, BUT.....
not like the single black woman who had her kids out of wedlock and her baby daddy is either locked up, a dead beat, or my personal favorite a professional athlete (and the wife spends all of her useless time spending his money, starting a clothing line that no one buys or fighting with a bunch of other jock's wives who spend all their time worrying about another, gold digger in training, sleeping with their man) Sorry I digress.....
No the single white woman's husband either got killed honorably in the war, or died in a car wreck, or of a dreadful disease. Something honorable, and therefore the woman is deemed honorable, and her kids are honorable as well. The list goes on and on. And I am not saying ALL, but in most instances this is the case. Black women more often than not, on these shows are always so confrontational, angry, bitter, vindictive, back stabbers, man stealers, and on the dollar bill hard. Why is this?
I've been a black woman all my life,(smile) I have 4 or 5 very close friends who are black, the women in my family are all black and NONE OF THEM carry on like these women that I see on these television shows, so why are these majority of the black women's role in the programming on television? No wonder all the black men are going out of their race to find mates(smile) That's sarcasm people, there are some brothers out here who will use that argument. It is so unfortunate, because black women come in so many shades, levels of professionalism and intelligence. We have so many talents, gifts, and we have accomplished so much,
and yet..... we are continuously bombarded by these images.
This is why it is so important as mentors, mothers and caregivers to our children specifically our little girls to be THAT INFLUENCE AND ROLE MODEL for them. Let them know how to handle conflicts without volume, articulate your thoughts and opinions without emotion. Learn to understand and show empathy before judging and waving off another black woman as..."oh that bitch...forget her." It is important to let your daughters know its OK to NEED A MAN. I swear, if I hear one more of these self proclaimed so called INDEPENDENT STRONG BLACK WOMAN say..."I DON'T NEED NO MAN".
PLEASE....Shut YO ASS UP!, everyone needs someone. You are not that strong, its human nature to NEED SOMEONE. And... if you don't need a man, why are you announcing it, NO ONE CARES!!!
Let your daughters know love is a wonderful thing between 2 people who respect, honor and cherish one another. But always be independent and be able to care for yourself in the event your happily ever after is delayed or when it does come, for whatever reason if ,God forbid ,it happens and it doesn't work out? Teach her self independence so she's not found in a fetus position of her walk in closet Devastated. Most importantly, teach your children boys and girls to be independent thinkers. Don't just go with the crowd, this is how so many young children specifically in this instance ,girls get sucked into the images and the culture they are bombarded with. "Well mommy Tyquitha is going to school with her breast and ass hanging out and her momma don't care why can't I"?. And I say to that, "because Tyquithas mommas ass and breast are hanging out, so she is basically imitating what she sees in her momma and......Tyquithas momma is STILL trying to be a video girl in a rappers video, her momma know SHE PAST HER PRIME (PHP)
Children are like little sponges, they absorb what is around them, so if you are allowing t.v. and others to raise your child and mold the self image they hold for themselves, you can't be surprised that that's what she begins to be.
Just my 2 cents..... I hope that was short enough for you, I tend to be long winded, because I am a master at communication, which would explain why my ass is not working in commercial radio anymore, have you noticed you don't hear the DJ s anymore and if you do they speak like they are all on coke, talking fast, because they can only speak for 30 seconds or less. That's what commercial radio has become, which again explains why I'M NOT WORKING. But .....THAT'S A WHOLE NOTHA BLOG FOR ANOTHER DAY(smile)... any who... Remember, this life ain't no dress rehearsal, AND......your children are a direct reflection upon YOU, so get it right or at least try and YOU.... RAISE THEM!
please post your comment......
PSYCHE...... not the end but I had you for a minute didn't I. But seriously when I say a "Ne Ne" I am speaking about Ne Ne Leaks from the ever popular Housewives of Atlanta, and I'm not being mean spirited because I realize everyone has their own unique journey, and furthermore who am I to judge ignorance, if ignorance is getting you paid! Not necessarily how I intend on leaving my mark but if you like it
DO YOU BOO .....go for it.
As a black women with what I like to term a functioning brain and the ability to articulate a thought, it pisses me off when I look at mainstream media and see the same type of "black woman" portrayed in many television shows. These so called reality shows, which attempt to paint the picture that they are "real" ALWAYS have the angry, loud ,confrontational, materialistic, neck rolling, black woman as the staple. White women on these shows come in so many variations, the quiet timid white woman, the "I'm a lesbian, deal with it" white woman, the bombshell who gets what she wants, the all business Harvard graduate, the motor cycle, leather piercing, hard core white chick, the punk chick, the religious chick, the single mom, BUT.....
not like the single black woman who had her kids out of wedlock and her baby daddy is either locked up, a dead beat, or my personal favorite a professional athlete (and the wife spends all of her useless time spending his money, starting a clothing line that no one buys or fighting with a bunch of other jock's wives who spend all their time worrying about another, gold digger in training, sleeping with their man) Sorry I digress.....
No the single white woman's husband either got killed honorably in the war, or died in a car wreck, or of a dreadful disease. Something honorable, and therefore the woman is deemed honorable, and her kids are honorable as well. The list goes on and on. And I am not saying ALL, but in most instances this is the case. Black women more often than not, on these shows are always so confrontational, angry, bitter, vindictive, back stabbers, man stealers, and on the dollar bill hard. Why is this?
I've been a black woman all my life,(smile) I have 4 or 5 very close friends who are black, the women in my family are all black and NONE OF THEM carry on like these women that I see on these television shows, so why are these majority of the black women's role in the programming on television? No wonder all the black men are going out of their race to find mates(smile) That's sarcasm people, there are some brothers out here who will use that argument. It is so unfortunate, because black women come in so many shades, levels of professionalism and intelligence. We have so many talents, gifts, and we have accomplished so much,
and yet..... we are continuously bombarded by these images.
This is why it is so important as mentors, mothers and caregivers to our children specifically our little girls to be THAT INFLUENCE AND ROLE MODEL for them. Let them know how to handle conflicts without volume, articulate your thoughts and opinions without emotion. Learn to understand and show empathy before judging and waving off another black woman as..."oh that bitch...forget her." It is important to let your daughters know its OK to NEED A MAN. I swear, if I hear one more of these self proclaimed so called INDEPENDENT STRONG BLACK WOMAN say..."I DON'T NEED NO MAN".
PLEASE....Shut YO ASS UP!, everyone needs someone. You are not that strong, its human nature to NEED SOMEONE. And... if you don't need a man, why are you announcing it, NO ONE CARES!!!
Let your daughters know love is a wonderful thing between 2 people who respect, honor and cherish one another. But always be independent and be able to care for yourself in the event your happily ever after is delayed or when it does come, for whatever reason if ,God forbid ,it happens and it doesn't work out? Teach her self independence so she's not found in a fetus position of her walk in closet Devastated. Most importantly, teach your children boys and girls to be independent thinkers. Don't just go with the crowd, this is how so many young children specifically in this instance ,girls get sucked into the images and the culture they are bombarded with. "Well mommy Tyquitha is going to school with her breast and ass hanging out and her momma don't care why can't I"?. And I say to that, "because Tyquithas mommas ass and breast are hanging out, so she is basically imitating what she sees in her momma and......Tyquithas momma is STILL trying to be a video girl in a rappers video, her momma know SHE PAST HER PRIME (PHP)
Children are like little sponges, they absorb what is around them, so if you are allowing t.v. and others to raise your child and mold the self image they hold for themselves, you can't be surprised that that's what she begins to be.
Just my 2 cents..... I hope that was short enough for you, I tend to be long winded, because I am a master at communication, which would explain why my ass is not working in commercial radio anymore, have you noticed you don't hear the DJ s anymore and if you do they speak like they are all on coke, talking fast, because they can only speak for 30 seconds or less. That's what commercial radio has become, which again explains why I'M NOT WORKING. But .....THAT'S A WHOLE NOTHA BLOG FOR ANOTHER DAY(smile)... any who... Remember, this life ain't no dress rehearsal, AND......your children are a direct reflection upon YOU, so get it right or at least try and YOU.... RAISE THEM!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
What about your friends?
I was listening to the Ricky Smiley Morning show as I do each and every morning when getting my kid ready and off to school and I heard one of my favorite sister girls on the air, Lisa Raye. Now many of you may remember her from the early 90s movie, Players Club, but I remember her from the various times I have had the pleasure of interviewing her at several events I have covered during my radio career. But anywho.... Today she was talking about her journey and how she has had to let go of people in her life that were so called friends, and how God sends people to your life for various reasons and sometimes for a limited season. And though this saying is used alot, "there's a reason for some and a just a season for others" or something like that, I tend to dislike the usage, and or over used sayings like that and others like.....
"knowwhatimsaying". Have you ever noticed people who say "knowwhatimsaying", chances are
YOU FEEL ME SON"?..... ummmm.... first of all.... I'm a woman.... so.... I'm not yo son, and
Ok.... let me just say this.... CAN YA'LL STOP SAYING ALL THOSE!!! Who in the hell came up with that that term anyway? Let me say this for the record, just because you have an opinion on someone or have the skill level and fortitude to do better than what someone else is doing and you say that or comment on that, DOESN'T MAKE YOU A HATER.! It makes you a person with an opinion. Sometimes it just makes you a person with a constructive criticism. If I don't like Mozart am I a HATER OF MOZART?. No... I just don't care for it.... so SHUT YO OVER USING A PHRASE ASS UP!!!
Whew...... I am sorry, I COMPLETELY DIGRESS from what I came on here to blog about, but that was on my spirit from a few days ago, I just had to get it off my chest. Now.... let me scroll up and see what I was originally on here to spew about. Oh and one more thing............its SCROLL NOT STROLL
Some of ya'll say "let me stroll through my notes"...LOUD AND WRONG!!! anywho....................
As I was saying before I got carried away... Lisa Raye was talking about friends and it made me post a long shout out on my facebook page (which by the by is (shameless plug) I posted a shout out this morning about the people I consider my best friends and how blessed and fortunate I am to have them in my life. I think there should be certain criteria a person must meet and certain character traits a person must possess to be considered a friend. Newsflash...alot of us are calling people friends and ....they really are not. Some are just folk we know or have known for a long time and it doesn't necessarily make them your friends. Co workers, again we see them everyday, but it doesn't necessarily make them
YOUR FRIENDS. Also for my married and or involved people, just because someone is friends with YOUR MATE, doesn't make them YOUR FRIEND AS WELL. It's important when you are WITH SOMEONE that you maintain your OWN IDENTITY and your OWN FRIENDS. How many times have we seen people completely isolate and become so overly intoxicated by a relationship that they lose the essence of what and who they truly are, be it their identity, their own friends and sometimes, sadly, family, as well. That's an entirely whole NOTHA BLOG.
But here are some ways to tell if the person whom you consider "a friend" is truly "a friend"
.When something good, terrific, or horrific happens in your life, do you consider calling this person first and telling them the great news or the horrific news? And.....when you call them, are they really listening and engaged in what you are saying? Are they generally and genuinely happy for you or is there are feeling that they may be secretly HATIN?.....
There's that dam word..... my bad. But you know when someone is truly happy for you or truly
THERE FOR YOU when you really need a shoulder. AND.... are you that for them? Some people have it twisted they think folk are supposed to be THERE for them but they are not offering the same to that person. Have you ever called someone and the entire conversation is about THEM? They don't take a moment to say..look enough about me and my drama, how are you? How are things with you? And they really mean it and LISTEN?!! That's real peeps right there.
Next..... in an emergency... I mean a REAL emergency, let's say.... while you are at the hairdresser, your stylist is on the phone with the utility company arguing about why her lights have been cut off and she has left the perm ON TOO LONG ON YOUR HEAD and as a result you have 2nd and 3rd degree chemical burns round your edges and yo ass has to go to emergency room?.... AND YOU HAVE TO CAL SOMEONE..... would that person that you consider to be "your friend" be THERE TO GET YOU, see about you, do whatever it is you need to make certain you ok?.Or ......DO THEIR asses say.... "oh boo, my man's daughter has a soccer practice and I promised to pick her up let me call him and I will call you back"?
HO....ARE YOU SERIOUS?...... really?.....I'm in the E. R. and you gotta call this man? whom by the way you have known for AN ENTIRE 4 months and my ass is in the hospital? with a BURNT UP ASS SCALP?.... REALLY.?.... That's not a friend.....And again... it goes both ways, if my friend is in need, I'm there....don't even think about it. I'm there, what you need boo?, who can I call for you?, can I get some SALVE, VASELINE, OR ALOE PLANT TO RUB ON YOUR BURNT UP ASS SCALP,
I got you!!!!! And third..... and I always say, money and friendships never mix, HOWEVER.... times are rough, folk gettin put out their homes, cars repossessed etc.... etc...... and sometimes you can be short,
AS MY DADDY WOULD SAY....30 CENTS SHY OF A QUARTER.... is that "friend" someone who will offer to help without you even asking?. It's the thought sometimes, and I do not recommend money borrowing from friends because Lord knows I have heard horror stories about folks, EVEN BLOOD, and KIN, hell my own family arguing, yelling and ultimately STOP TALKING over 200 dollars. OVER 200 HUNDRED LOUSY ASS DOLLARS?!!!!..... REALLY?..... that again is an entirely NOTHA BLOG.....
Just to offer someone who is in need means alot and again you should have the type of relationship with your friends to let them know you have that for them if they need it.
These are just a few questions you should ask yourself when looking at the relationships you have in your own life. It's always important to check and re check the circle you keep around you. I don't know who it was who said it, but you truly are THE COMPANY YOU KEEP. And..... if you are the type of person who desires to live with purpose, to really BE OF SOMETHING as one of my best friends mom's says..... then
IT IS EVEN MORE critical to take an inventory on your circle of friends. If a person is on a "come up" or is always back in the cut trying to figure out what they can get from a situation, that is not a friend! That my dear is a LEACH, a user, and quite frankly an automatic DELETE FROM ANY AND ALL COMMUNICATIONS!!!! If a person is narcissistic meaning everything AND I MEAN EVERYTHING, no matter what ends up being about them? That is not a friend, that is JUST PLAIN ANNOYING. And if the climate of your life takes a turn for the worse meaning, you either lose your job, lose a relationship, your income or status changes or you suffer a health crisis or worst.... HELL.... WHAT'S IS WORSE than all that I JUST NAMED? THOSE ARE SOME OF THE WORST THINGS TO HAPPEN TO A PERSON... but if things fall apart and the dust settles and that so called friend is no where to be found? Guess what? that's just a blessing, because one thing about people.... if you wait long enough THEY WILL REVEAL THEIR TRUE SELVES. and that revelation could be THAT BLESSING you needed.
Keep your circle like I keep my bra straps..... TIGHT!! Ask yourself....What about my friends? What about them? Are they true blue or...AM I ,A TRUE FRIEND? Are they only around for a season? Its an inventory we all should take from time to time.
Well thats my 2cents, as always.... This thing you living? THIS AIN'T NO DRESS REHEARSAL....
.Get life.....
Love it, enjoy it and treasure your friends!
"knowwhatimsaying". Have you ever noticed people who say "knowwhatimsaying", chances are
YOU FEEL ME SON"?..... ummmm.... first of all.... I'm a woman.... so.... I'm not yo son, and
Ok.... let me just say this.... CAN YA'LL STOP SAYING ALL THOSE!!! Who in the hell came up with that that term anyway? Let me say this for the record, just because you have an opinion on someone or have the skill level and fortitude to do better than what someone else is doing and you say that or comment on that, DOESN'T MAKE YOU A HATER.! It makes you a person with an opinion. Sometimes it just makes you a person with a constructive criticism. If I don't like Mozart am I a HATER OF MOZART?. No... I just don't care for it.... so SHUT YO OVER USING A PHRASE ASS UP!!!
Whew...... I am sorry, I COMPLETELY DIGRESS from what I came on here to blog about, but that was on my spirit from a few days ago, I just had to get it off my chest. Now.... let me scroll up and see what I was originally on here to spew about. Oh and one more thing............its SCROLL NOT STROLL
Some of ya'll say "let me stroll through my notes"...LOUD AND WRONG!!! anywho....................
As I was saying before I got carried away... Lisa Raye was talking about friends and it made me post a long shout out on my facebook page (which by the by is (shameless plug) I posted a shout out this morning about the people I consider my best friends and how blessed and fortunate I am to have them in my life. I think there should be certain criteria a person must meet and certain character traits a person must possess to be considered a friend. Newsflash...alot of us are calling people friends and ....they really are not. Some are just folk we know or have known for a long time and it doesn't necessarily make them your friends. Co workers, again we see them everyday, but it doesn't necessarily make them
YOUR FRIENDS. Also for my married and or involved people, just because someone is friends with YOUR MATE, doesn't make them YOUR FRIEND AS WELL. It's important when you are WITH SOMEONE that you maintain your OWN IDENTITY and your OWN FRIENDS. How many times have we seen people completely isolate and become so overly intoxicated by a relationship that they lose the essence of what and who they truly are, be it their identity, their own friends and sometimes, sadly, family, as well. That's an entirely whole NOTHA BLOG.
But here are some ways to tell if the person whom you consider "a friend" is truly "a friend"
.When something good, terrific, or horrific happens in your life, do you consider calling this person first and telling them the great news or the horrific news? And.....when you call them, are they really listening and engaged in what you are saying? Are they generally and genuinely happy for you or is there are feeling that they may be secretly HATIN?.....
There's that dam word..... my bad. But you know when someone is truly happy for you or truly
THERE FOR YOU when you really need a shoulder. AND.... are you that for them? Some people have it twisted they think folk are supposed to be THERE for them but they are not offering the same to that person. Have you ever called someone and the entire conversation is about THEM? They don't take a moment to say..look enough about me and my drama, how are you? How are things with you? And they really mean it and LISTEN?!! That's real peeps right there.
Next..... in an emergency... I mean a REAL emergency, let's say.... while you are at the hairdresser, your stylist is on the phone with the utility company arguing about why her lights have been cut off and she has left the perm ON TOO LONG ON YOUR HEAD and as a result you have 2nd and 3rd degree chemical burns round your edges and yo ass has to go to emergency room?.... AND YOU HAVE TO CAL SOMEONE..... would that person that you consider to be "your friend" be THERE TO GET YOU, see about you, do whatever it is you need to make certain you ok?.Or ......DO THEIR asses say.... "oh boo, my man's daughter has a soccer practice and I promised to pick her up let me call him and I will call you back"?
HO....ARE YOU SERIOUS?...... really?.....I'm in the E. R. and you gotta call this man? whom by the way you have known for AN ENTIRE 4 months and my ass is in the hospital? with a BURNT UP ASS SCALP?.... REALLY.?.... That's not a friend.....And again... it goes both ways, if my friend is in need, I'm there....don't even think about it. I'm there, what you need boo?, who can I call for you?, can I get some SALVE, VASELINE, OR ALOE PLANT TO RUB ON YOUR BURNT UP ASS SCALP,
I got you!!!!! And third..... and I always say, money and friendships never mix, HOWEVER.... times are rough, folk gettin put out their homes, cars repossessed etc.... etc...... and sometimes you can be short,
AS MY DADDY WOULD SAY....30 CENTS SHY OF A QUARTER.... is that "friend" someone who will offer to help without you even asking?. It's the thought sometimes, and I do not recommend money borrowing from friends because Lord knows I have heard horror stories about folks, EVEN BLOOD, and KIN, hell my own family arguing, yelling and ultimately STOP TALKING over 200 dollars. OVER 200 HUNDRED LOUSY ASS DOLLARS?!!!!..... REALLY?..... that again is an entirely NOTHA BLOG.....
Just to offer someone who is in need means alot and again you should have the type of relationship with your friends to let them know you have that for them if they need it.
These are just a few questions you should ask yourself when looking at the relationships you have in your own life. It's always important to check and re check the circle you keep around you. I don't know who it was who said it, but you truly are THE COMPANY YOU KEEP. And..... if you are the type of person who desires to live with purpose, to really BE OF SOMETHING as one of my best friends mom's says..... then
IT IS EVEN MORE critical to take an inventory on your circle of friends. If a person is on a "come up" or is always back in the cut trying to figure out what they can get from a situation, that is not a friend! That my dear is a LEACH, a user, and quite frankly an automatic DELETE FROM ANY AND ALL COMMUNICATIONS!!!! If a person is narcissistic meaning everything AND I MEAN EVERYTHING, no matter what ends up being about them? That is not a friend, that is JUST PLAIN ANNOYING. And if the climate of your life takes a turn for the worse meaning, you either lose your job, lose a relationship, your income or status changes or you suffer a health crisis or worst.... HELL.... WHAT'S IS WORSE than all that I JUST NAMED? THOSE ARE SOME OF THE WORST THINGS TO HAPPEN TO A PERSON... but if things fall apart and the dust settles and that so called friend is no where to be found? Guess what? that's just a blessing, because one thing about people.... if you wait long enough THEY WILL REVEAL THEIR TRUE SELVES. and that revelation could be THAT BLESSING you needed.
Keep your circle like I keep my bra straps..... TIGHT!! Ask yourself....What about my friends? What about them? Are they true blue or...AM I ,A TRUE FRIEND? Are they only around for a season? Its an inventory we all should take from time to time.
Well thats my 2cents, as always.... This thing you living? THIS AIN'T NO DRESS REHEARSAL....
.Get life.....
Love it, enjoy it and treasure your friends!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Take a time out, WITH your kids
In a time in our world's economy where gas is nearly 4 bucks a gallon, 5 for a our friends on the left coast of these United states, groceries are priced higher, mortgages have increased, while home values have decreased, and everything in between has us scratching our heads wondering, will this ever end? The most innocent are stuck in the middle left to wonder, what are we going to do today mommy? Yes children have remained unchanged, they want, what they want, when they want it, and seldom do they understand what an economy is or what it has to do with them getting what they desire. So how have you been able to keep your children entertained? How have you been able to keep your children moving instead of plopping them down in front of the "idiot box" as my dad used to refer the television as, or worse, giving them a video game so they become zombie like, lacking interpersonal communication skills and a good chance of beginning a long life of being out of shape and over weight.
As a parent we all want our children to be, to do and have better than we had. Unless of course you are one of those bitter adults, borderline selfish and says more often than not, 'hell it was good enough for me it will be good enough for your little ass" not seeing the challenge of striving to want better for your children.
So..... how does one manage to juggle all of the above combined with swimming lessons, karate lessons, piano, lacrosse, soccer, basketball, tennis, football, chess club, girl scouts, boy scouts, summer camp, sleepovers, play dates, etc..along with all the money sucking items at your local mall. How do you make an interesting weekend for your kids without costing an arm and a leg?
Well I have become a pretty creative parent and due to this economy I have become a wiz of sorts at keeping my kid entertained on a budget. And because I believe in sharing knowledge here are some tips, places and activities that are fun and won't break you. Get a piece of paper and write them down. Of course each location will vary because I do understand not everywhere is like the DC metro area, the center of our countries politics and home of some of the worlds best museums, but if you look at your city where you live rather it be the Midwest, the sunny west coast or in other parts of the world, it is possible to keep your kids entertained and moving while you maintain a reasonable budget.
THE ZOO, last weekend I got the grand idea of taking the DC Metro service(public transportation) into Washington, DC to visit the zoo. And to my surprise I ended up having just as much fun as my 7 year old. It really was like a little adventure, getting on the metro, looking at all the really strange people on the metro, and people watching is one of my favorite things to do. Plus it was little brisk out but the sun was shining and families were everywhere it really was amazing seeing the various animals. The cost to get into the zoo? Absolutely nothing. There you go, a day of fun, for free! I might add, walking that entire zoo wore my ASS OUT!!! And my daughter as well. We were knocked out sleep by 11. It was a wonderful workout.
And now that we are talking about free. how about visiting THE MUSEUMS. Washington DC has some of the most incredible museums and they are mostly still free. It is a wonderful time to walk and see but it also has a ton of information to learn. If you are careful as an adult, you too can learn as well.
THE LOCAL LIBRARY. Man I had forgotten what a wonderful resource a library can be.
Most libraries have computers, so with a library card, which all little kids should have, you can use a computer for free and a certain amount of printing is free is as well. You wanna talk about movies? The library has TONS of dvd's and even for you ole schoolers, VHS tapes, that again are absolutely free, bingo!!! Home movie night for absolutely nothing throw in some popcorn and you have you a homemade MOVIE NIGHT!!!! I even hype a movie night up, and if your kid is like mine it doesn't take alot to get her hyped about anything, especially Willy Wonka and the Choclate Factory which she has seen at least 13 dozen times!!! Thats an entirely notha blog, what to do as a parent when your kids want to watch a dam movie you KNOW they have seen a dozen times? Another time, another blog... I digress.. where was I?
THE PARKS, yes, thats where I was, another fun free activity. THE PARKS, we have some of the most beautiful parks in our area and because we also live near the water a great majority of the parks are also near the water so you can go canoe riding, paddle boating, hiking, bike riding and exploring. All these activities are great for children getting them moving and seeing and OUTDOORS, these little kids now sit in the house without the fresh air and all that nature has to offer. My mother and I used to go bird watching as well, now I watch birds with my daughter. We keep a little bird book handy (that we got at the library....for free) to find out what exactly types of birds we see. It really is amazing what is in nature if you get from up unda the television and go explore.
SWIMMING at your local YMCA or community center. It only cost 6 bucks at the swimming center in my neighborhood for a kid to swim at an indoor pool and if your kid DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO SWIM, investigate swimming classes. All children should grow up knowing how to swim. It not only is smart, but it is also a great source of exercise.
BOWLING,... yes something as a parent you may have not done in a very long time. But bowling is actually a great way for your children to learn hand to eye coordination. And for your small children they have the little railings they put up on the aisles so the bowling ball is practically guaranteed to knock something down.
And finally.... old fashioned WALKING. I know.... what a concept right? But walking is a wonderful source of exercise but it also gives you an opportunity to exercise as well as getting connected with your children. When was the last time you really talked to your children about what is going on in their lives? If you make the walk goal oriented, meaning telling your kids," hey lets walk to the 7-11 and get a slurpy"
(hey, this is what works for my kid) they will walk to the moon for a doggone slurpy. The important thing is to get them enthusiastic about moving. I know some of these things you may have never considered doing with your kids because you are so busy in your own lives making a living, going back to school, and for some of you who have not figured it out that it is NO LONGER ABOUT YOU GOING TO THE CLUB, TRAVELING TO ALL STAR WEEKEND, while you leave your kids in front of these dam video games, did you forget? your kids didn't ask to be born and now that they are here and YOU created them, FOR WHATEVER REASON, you should do your parental duties and entertain them, and encourage them to get up and get moving and stimulate their brains while you are at it.
The thing about kids ladies and gentlemen, YOU CAN'T PUT KIDS ON PAUSE and say stay 6 until mommy/daddy has time to enjoy you, or until mommy/daddy gets their master's degree and/or have time to take you to these places. Naw.... kids grow and change and for many, parents just don't have the time nor energy to spend this critical bonding time with them. But if you can make time to go to the Essence music festival, watch football EVERY SUNDAY WITH YO BOYS, going on ski trips, or boys weekend in Vegas, or going to happy hour with your girls or even time to get your hair and nails done, why not invest that same time into the most valuable asset you have, YOUR KIDS?
You should know this AINT NO DRESS REHEARSAL!!!.....And when your kids are grown you can't get the time back, you can't REWIND OR DO OVER.. So enjoy your kids, AND..... remember to be kind to your children, As I have told my dear mother, you better be nice TO YOUR CHILDREN because.... ULTIMATELY..... YOUR KIDS WILL BE THE ONES TO DECIDE WHAT OLD FOLKS/ RETIREMENT HOME YOU GO INTO. (smile) And that's real talk!!!!
As a parent we all want our children to be, to do and have better than we had. Unless of course you are one of those bitter adults, borderline selfish and says more often than not, 'hell it was good enough for me it will be good enough for your little ass" not seeing the challenge of striving to want better for your children.
So..... how does one manage to juggle all of the above combined with swimming lessons, karate lessons, piano, lacrosse, soccer, basketball, tennis, football, chess club, girl scouts, boy scouts, summer camp, sleepovers, play dates, etc..along with all the money sucking items at your local mall. How do you make an interesting weekend for your kids without costing an arm and a leg?
Well I have become a pretty creative parent and due to this economy I have become a wiz of sorts at keeping my kid entertained on a budget. And because I believe in sharing knowledge here are some tips, places and activities that are fun and won't break you. Get a piece of paper and write them down. Of course each location will vary because I do understand not everywhere is like the DC metro area, the center of our countries politics and home of some of the worlds best museums, but if you look at your city where you live rather it be the Midwest, the sunny west coast or in other parts of the world, it is possible to keep your kids entertained and moving while you maintain a reasonable budget.
THE ZOO, last weekend I got the grand idea of taking the DC Metro service(public transportation) into Washington, DC to visit the zoo. And to my surprise I ended up having just as much fun as my 7 year old. It really was like a little adventure, getting on the metro, looking at all the really strange people on the metro, and people watching is one of my favorite things to do. Plus it was little brisk out but the sun was shining and families were everywhere it really was amazing seeing the various animals. The cost to get into the zoo? Absolutely nothing. There you go, a day of fun, for free! I might add, walking that entire zoo wore my ASS OUT!!! And my daughter as well. We were knocked out sleep by 11. It was a wonderful workout.
And now that we are talking about free. how about visiting THE MUSEUMS. Washington DC has some of the most incredible museums and they are mostly still free. It is a wonderful time to walk and see but it also has a ton of information to learn. If you are careful as an adult, you too can learn as well.
THE LOCAL LIBRARY. Man I had forgotten what a wonderful resource a library can be.
Most libraries have computers, so with a library card, which all little kids should have, you can use a computer for free and a certain amount of printing is free is as well. You wanna talk about movies? The library has TONS of dvd's and even for you ole schoolers, VHS tapes, that again are absolutely free, bingo!!! Home movie night for absolutely nothing throw in some popcorn and you have you a homemade MOVIE NIGHT!!!! I even hype a movie night up, and if your kid is like mine it doesn't take alot to get her hyped about anything, especially Willy Wonka and the Choclate Factory which she has seen at least 13 dozen times!!! Thats an entirely notha blog, what to do as a parent when your kids want to watch a dam movie you KNOW they have seen a dozen times? Another time, another blog... I digress.. where was I?
THE PARKS, yes, thats where I was, another fun free activity. THE PARKS, we have some of the most beautiful parks in our area and because we also live near the water a great majority of the parks are also near the water so you can go canoe riding, paddle boating, hiking, bike riding and exploring. All these activities are great for children getting them moving and seeing and OUTDOORS, these little kids now sit in the house without the fresh air and all that nature has to offer. My mother and I used to go bird watching as well, now I watch birds with my daughter. We keep a little bird book handy (that we got at the library....for free) to find out what exactly types of birds we see. It really is amazing what is in nature if you get from up unda the television and go explore.
SWIMMING at your local YMCA or community center. It only cost 6 bucks at the swimming center in my neighborhood for a kid to swim at an indoor pool and if your kid DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO SWIM, investigate swimming classes. All children should grow up knowing how to swim. It not only is smart, but it is also a great source of exercise.
BOWLING,... yes something as a parent you may have not done in a very long time. But bowling is actually a great way for your children to learn hand to eye coordination. And for your small children they have the little railings they put up on the aisles so the bowling ball is practically guaranteed to knock something down.
And finally.... old fashioned WALKING. I know.... what a concept right? But walking is a wonderful source of exercise but it also gives you an opportunity to exercise as well as getting connected with your children. When was the last time you really talked to your children about what is going on in their lives? If you make the walk goal oriented, meaning telling your kids," hey lets walk to the 7-11 and get a slurpy"
(hey, this is what works for my kid) they will walk to the moon for a doggone slurpy. The important thing is to get them enthusiastic about moving. I know some of these things you may have never considered doing with your kids because you are so busy in your own lives making a living, going back to school, and for some of you who have not figured it out that it is NO LONGER ABOUT YOU GOING TO THE CLUB, TRAVELING TO ALL STAR WEEKEND, while you leave your kids in front of these dam video games, did you forget? your kids didn't ask to be born and now that they are here and YOU created them, FOR WHATEVER REASON, you should do your parental duties and entertain them, and encourage them to get up and get moving and stimulate their brains while you are at it.
The thing about kids ladies and gentlemen, YOU CAN'T PUT KIDS ON PAUSE and say stay 6 until mommy/daddy has time to enjoy you, or until mommy/daddy gets their master's degree and/or have time to take you to these places. Naw.... kids grow and change and for many, parents just don't have the time nor energy to spend this critical bonding time with them. But if you can make time to go to the Essence music festival, watch football EVERY SUNDAY WITH YO BOYS, going on ski trips, or boys weekend in Vegas, or going to happy hour with your girls or even time to get your hair and nails done, why not invest that same time into the most valuable asset you have, YOUR KIDS?
You should know this AINT NO DRESS REHEARSAL!!!.....And when your kids are grown you can't get the time back, you can't REWIND OR DO OVER.. So enjoy your kids, AND..... remember to be kind to your children, As I have told my dear mother, you better be nice TO YOUR CHILDREN because.... ULTIMATELY..... YOUR KIDS WILL BE THE ONES TO DECIDE WHAT OLD FOLKS/ RETIREMENT HOME YOU GO INTO. (smile) And that's real talk!!!!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Spring is here!!!
Time is indeed flying and you know what they say, (cause they always saying something), time flies when you are having fun. I must be having the time of my life because here we are on the first full day of spring. Is it me or did it just seem like yesterday it was the 4th of July, then Christmas. January came and went without any major fireworks, and Valentines day, a month for lovers, the days just seem to to fly by and BOOM.....its dam near April.
It seems the year 2011 has already been a year of cleansing, shedding of all the old things, be it weight, habits, and people, these last 3 months have really been a spring board of self realization, change, enlightenment, and growth for me. One thing the new year has bought is the knowledge of the potential within myself to be and do more than I have ever desired to be or do. That sounded a little redundant but its true. I have been blessed not to HAVE to work, not to HAVE to be stressed and consumed with looking for employment I have zero passion for. I have been blessed to really take a much needed TIME OUT FROM MY NORMAL LIFE.
When I really think about it, I have been chasing the dollar bill since I was 16 years old. And not the dollar bill affiliated with some one else, hustling, grinding, scheming and lying, trying to get and take off someone else's shine. Naw.... that has never been my thing. Though in the industry of entertainment that I have worked in for the past 20 some years I have had my share of running into users, losers, hustlers, hoodrats and get withs. It has truly been an eye opening experience on so many levels and has taught me HOW NOT to be live.
But I think I am due for this break I have been so fortunate to have had the past 8 months to care for my daughter full time and work on me. As I have said since January I have had the chance to really look at my list of wants and needs. Once you do that you truly realize many of the things you think you need, are truly just wants.
So for a new season to arrive, many things come to mind about Spring, the blossoming of ideas and concepts, the blooming of potential and opportunities, the growth within yourself and the rising of all that has been deep rooted from the past season. That is how I view Spring.
Sure its a time to go through all your junk in your home and get rid of those tight ass jeans that yo fattass hasn't been able to get into since the late 90s(smile),.... Time to go through all the items you have collected from past amusement park visits, vacations, Christmas gifts that you didn't ask for or need, books you haven't read, kids toys that your kids played with for about 28 hours, appliances that either don't work or you never use, and countless other items that have collected throughout your home. Spring cleaning is what they call it. But Spring cleaning should also apply to your personal life. Cleaning out the old and making room for the new.
A change of seasons is a wonderful time to take inventory of your life, analyze the changes you seek and map a plan to move it forward. Perhaps in the new season you find yourself feeling some kind of way about the people in your life. Take a piece of paper and write down the names of the people you encounter the most, and not co workers, but people you consider friends. Look deep into that list and think about each person on that list. Is that person what you deem as a true friend? Does that person have your best interest at heart? Would your life be enhanced if they were no longer in your circle or suffer due to the loss?. Once you are certain, figure out in this new season if that person is no longer a person you want in your life. If not, weed them out, remove their contact information from your phone, if they call, or text, don't be rude but be short and sweet. Eventually cut off all communications. I always say, never burn a bridge, but with some people you just have to leave that bridge abandoned, never to be crossed again.
Next, what is your opinion on where your life is going on a professional level. Are you truly happy with what you do for a living, is it working for you anymore? Is there a passion for what you do? If not, what are you willing to do to change that? And finally, your personal relationships. What is it that you seek or desire from the relationship you are in? Can you change your behavior to enhance what you do have? Are you truly content in the union you are in and if not what will it take to get to a place that you are truly happy?
Spring time is a wonderful time to look at where you are in life and seriously consider changes, alterations or a complete overhaul But in order to clean, you must be willing to throw the old out, to make room for the new. How can you possibly have the room for new blessings, if you continue to harbor the old, the tired, the unusable? Life is about the experience, the lessons, the letting go of the garbage and baggage of the past. A new time, with new opportunities, possibilities and a new life. Its never too late to spring into a new way of thinking, and actually change can be possible if you are willing to let the old go.
Come on people!!! its Spring, spring yourself into all that you are capable of being and doing. Take the steps to spring into action, and live a new. Spring is here......are you willing to change as the season has? Get there! The new way of thinking and living could be so amazing you will wonder how and why you settled for the old and not expect more of who you are and what you can become. Regardless of how desperate or depressing your present situation is, tomorrow can always be what you want it to be if you are willing to get rid of the old to make room for the possibilities of a new day.
As always..... GET LIFE BABY.... this ain't no dress rehearsal!!! .
p.s...... please leave a comment, you know how us creative types are.... WE NEED FEEDBACK......
It seems the year 2011 has already been a year of cleansing, shedding of all the old things, be it weight, habits, and people, these last 3 months have really been a spring board of self realization, change, enlightenment, and growth for me. One thing the new year has bought is the knowledge of the potential within myself to be and do more than I have ever desired to be or do. That sounded a little redundant but its true. I have been blessed not to HAVE to work, not to HAVE to be stressed and consumed with looking for employment I have zero passion for. I have been blessed to really take a much needed TIME OUT FROM MY NORMAL LIFE.
When I really think about it, I have been chasing the dollar bill since I was 16 years old. And not the dollar bill affiliated with some one else, hustling, grinding, scheming and lying, trying to get and take off someone else's shine. Naw.... that has never been my thing. Though in the industry of entertainment that I have worked in for the past 20 some years I have had my share of running into users, losers, hustlers, hoodrats and get withs. It has truly been an eye opening experience on so many levels and has taught me HOW NOT to be live.
But I think I am due for this break I have been so fortunate to have had the past 8 months to care for my daughter full time and work on me. As I have said since January I have had the chance to really look at my list of wants and needs. Once you do that you truly realize many of the things you think you need, are truly just wants.
So for a new season to arrive, many things come to mind about Spring, the blossoming of ideas and concepts, the blooming of potential and opportunities, the growth within yourself and the rising of all that has been deep rooted from the past season. That is how I view Spring.
Sure its a time to go through all your junk in your home and get rid of those tight ass jeans that yo fattass hasn't been able to get into since the late 90s(smile),.... Time to go through all the items you have collected from past amusement park visits, vacations, Christmas gifts that you didn't ask for or need, books you haven't read, kids toys that your kids played with for about 28 hours, appliances that either don't work or you never use, and countless other items that have collected throughout your home. Spring cleaning is what they call it. But Spring cleaning should also apply to your personal life. Cleaning out the old and making room for the new.
A change of seasons is a wonderful time to take inventory of your life, analyze the changes you seek and map a plan to move it forward. Perhaps in the new season you find yourself feeling some kind of way about the people in your life. Take a piece of paper and write down the names of the people you encounter the most, and not co workers, but people you consider friends. Look deep into that list and think about each person on that list. Is that person what you deem as a true friend? Does that person have your best interest at heart? Would your life be enhanced if they were no longer in your circle or suffer due to the loss?. Once you are certain, figure out in this new season if that person is no longer a person you want in your life. If not, weed them out, remove their contact information from your phone, if they call, or text, don't be rude but be short and sweet. Eventually cut off all communications. I always say, never burn a bridge, but with some people you just have to leave that bridge abandoned, never to be crossed again.
Next, what is your opinion on where your life is going on a professional level. Are you truly happy with what you do for a living, is it working for you anymore? Is there a passion for what you do? If not, what are you willing to do to change that? And finally, your personal relationships. What is it that you seek or desire from the relationship you are in? Can you change your behavior to enhance what you do have? Are you truly content in the union you are in and if not what will it take to get to a place that you are truly happy?
Spring time is a wonderful time to look at where you are in life and seriously consider changes, alterations or a complete overhaul But in order to clean, you must be willing to throw the old out, to make room for the new. How can you possibly have the room for new blessings, if you continue to harbor the old, the tired, the unusable? Life is about the experience, the lessons, the letting go of the garbage and baggage of the past. A new time, with new opportunities, possibilities and a new life. Its never too late to spring into a new way of thinking, and actually change can be possible if you are willing to let the old go.
Come on people!!! its Spring, spring yourself into all that you are capable of being and doing. Take the steps to spring into action, and live a new. Spring is here......are you willing to change as the season has? Get there! The new way of thinking and living could be so amazing you will wonder how and why you settled for the old and not expect more of who you are and what you can become. Regardless of how desperate or depressing your present situation is, tomorrow can always be what you want it to be if you are willing to get rid of the old to make room for the possibilities of a new day.
As always..... GET LIFE BABY.... this ain't no dress rehearsal!!! .
p.s...... please leave a comment, you know how us creative types are.... WE NEED FEEDBACK......
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Things to do before you say I DO......
I sit in front of this computer trying to decide as to what I want to vent upon. I guess today its going to be a form of advice. So what can I speak on from a experienced view point, what can I offer today? How about a subject that most heterosexual little girls dream of from a young age. M A R R I A G E,Weddings, walking down the aisle on your special day to declare your love til death do you part, with your soul mate. The white picket fence, 2 and half kids and a monogamous love affair that last for an eternity.
Uh huh........ and all the rest of that fairy tale little girls are told, the story of the little princess who is rescued by Prince Charming to live happily ever after. A nice story but realistic? Naw....I'm a realist when it comes to the institution of marriage.
You may be thinking....'OK OPRAH, you ole.... want to give advice on marriage and having children and you AINT GOT NAYER KID(caused chocolate Labradors don't count) You haven't BEEN MARRIED NOR HAVE A MAN!!" Let me say yes I can speak on both, I have a wonderful little girl and I walked down the aisle back in December 2000, and it was everything I dreamed of. My husband was as handsome as I always dreamed him of being and I was nicely tucked and tapered in my body magic...LMAO.. as lovely as a bride should be. After the dust settled and the honeymoon to Maui ended.... the reality hits, the wedding IS over.... the gifts have been opened and returned..... because really just how many dam pieces of crystal does a new couple really need? FAST FORWARD 10 years later.... I found myself in divorce court, arguing and looking to a perfect stranger to decide how all of our assets are to be divided up and worse... who and how our child will be cared for. A business relationship, a personal united front.....divided, defeated and never to be together again. Dreadful? yes.... disappointing? Fo sho!.....and yet....a lesson to be learned. And would I do it again? Sure, with the right person for the right reason. I am a hopeless romantic, a passionate filled firecracker with hopeless lust for life and one who still believes in falling hopelessly in love, you know the good ...dam my ass is dizzy in love, love. Ole Al Green, Peobo Bryson, Sherelle and Alexander O'neil 7 day a week love. Wait.... I just fell into a late night urban adult contemporary quiet storm play list flashback......
But.....before taking that plunge again there are some key things I would be sure to do before saying
I DO. And for you who are either considering marriage or who's entire focus rather it be subconscious or not, who truly can't see themselves as being 'COMPLETE" without a wife or husband... .or women like myself who always wanted to have children but not a big believer in having children out of wedlock. Whatever your reasons of wanting to be married... do these things a look before saying I do. It could keep you out of divorce court or worse...being in an unfulfilled, boring, and just bad marriage that is plagued with infidelity, lies, and mistrust. Yes, believe it or not, ladies and gentlemen, people DO stay in bad marriages for the kids, for the "we've been together for all these years and why would we throw that away?" reasons People stay married for financial comfort, or a lack of finances, insecurity due to daddy issues, fear of being alone, and yes people stay married just out of LOVE. Yes Lord.... we have all been fools for love.
50 percent of marriages end in divorce so if you could have information that could potentially keep you from being in that 50 percentile, what could it hurt to just be aware of it? Right? What could it hurt?
So here we go...ask yourself... why am I getting married? Is it because I am on the wrong side of 30? Wrong side of 40? DAM... 50? ALL of your friends have gotten married, and on their 3rd child so its the thing to do? Is it because you don't want someone else to marry your mate and though you are not really ready your mate has given you an ultimatum so you might as well get married. Oh and along the same line, you get married because she has "popped up pregnant" Do you really want a forced union? Do you really think a marriage that is based on falsehoods and deceit will really last? What is the TRUE REASON behind you wanting to live the rest of your life with this person? Next, do you really KNOW this person. Now this is where it gets sticky, because I have always thought the person you date is not really the real person you will spend the rest of your life with. People tend to misrepresent themselves, women who are trying desperately to get married will be and do everything you want them to be and do UNTIL they get married. This is why it is so important to be yourself from the jump, so the person you are with is seeing the real you.
Next... and I cannot stress this enough, GO SEE YOUR POTENTIAL SOON TO BE SPOUSE'S FAMILY!!! GO TO A FAMILY REUNION! KNOW WHAT TYPE OF RELATIONSHIP YOUR POTENTIAL SPOUSE HAS WITH THEIR PARENTS. Why? These are the people you will be forced to see holidays, family reunions, vacations etc.What if the family reunion reveals several family members are carrying a gargoyle/troll gene? You having children? You would be surprised how a gargoyle/ troll gene may show up on your future children.For example, you have children they are born with antennas, you thinking? why my baby got antennas? You wanna know why? because your husbands little brother has antennas , so guess what? NOW YO CHILD GOT ANTENNAS. See now if you had went to a family reunion you would have seen there are folk in your husbands immediate family who have antennas!
GO TO THE FAMILY REUNION. But all kidding aside....more important than that, it is just important to know a person's family health history. Does this family have a genetic flaw? Does this family have a history of a certain disease or chronic condition? When considering having children these things are important to know. Also you can know alot about a person based on what their relationship is with their parents. Did the guy you are about to marry see his own father disrespect his mother, talk down to her, abuse her physically? If so how will that affect him? How will he treat you? What is his relationship with his own mom, did his mom baby him?do everything for him? Will he expect you to do what his mother did for him? Fellas is your fiances momma a freak? Non committed the entire time your future wife was
a child? Did that as a result make your future wife insecure, clingy, and jealous? There is no doubt that we are all products of our childhoods. A great many of us will make decisions in our personal lives based on the relationships we grew up seeing or not seeing..
Also on a completely superficial tip.... fellas.... LOOK HARD AT THE MOMMA AND THE GRANDMA. Is Momma missing teeth? Is momma 320 pounds? Is momma male pattern balding? Old folks used to say if you considering marrying a women, look at HER momma that's who you will be married to in about 20 years. Ladies look at HIS DADDY. If his daddy was a womanizer, or has an entire different family on the opposite coast of where you live, how did that affect your future husband. If a little boy sees daddy cheating and womanizing, will that cause that little boy when he grows up to view women as sexual objects and more likely to continue to cheat while married because that is what he grew up seeing? You have to look at these things, and some of you ladies are so caught up on "the wedding" but what you would WANT TO DO is check for these underlying character and personality traits.
Next... credit!!!! or as some say CREDICK... whats really going on? If you marry someone without knowing their financial history you are asking for trouble. Many times when we come into a relationship as 2 individuals we come together in union and credit as well. What is your spouse's score? what are their spending habits? and what do they want for their financial future? Lets face it folks, marriage is a business partnership as well. When you are coming together as a family team, many times those big purchases are going to need to the two of you or if someones credit is not as strong, it will lie solely on that one person. Are you willing to do that? Consider this, if down the line in your little union something happens and the union dissolves and someone or both of you is bitter or angry because of the the break up of the marriage , sometimes people will do things to get back at their spouse. Example... if you both have names on property, cars, land, credit cards etc. and one of those individuals decides I want to REALLY screw this other person over so I'm going to file bankruptcy so I don't have to pay for anything from that marriage, guess who will be held responsible for that property, car, land and or credit? The last person standing after the other has filed bankruptcy. This is why so many people end up literally fighting in divorce proceedings, this is why people end up using children in custody hearings because something really bad happens when a marriage goes bad and credit is involved. So understand what your spouses credit history and financial knowledge is. So many women may be the stay at home mom and the man pays all the bills, sounds cute doesn't it, you living the ideal life, maybe you have things in your name and maybe you don't. What happens if the marriage goes off track and a divorce occurs, what are you going to have then? Really? You don't know do you? What will you leave with? What will you be stuck with? How will you fair? No no one should go into a marriage thinking it will end that's so negative!" said the naive unmarried, young minded little girl who wants the fairytale so bad. But in grownup world, grownups have to discuss and consider grownup occurrences and understand that things happen, you just want to be aware of all scenarios. Be prepared. And finally, make sure you truly understand that in order to come together with another person, it would be important to know who you are, what you stand for, what you are worth and what it is that you will or will not tolerate and expect. Communication is always critical when dealing with relationships but vital for a union to stay healthy thriving and withstanding the test of time. And isn't that what we get married for anyway, for a lifetime companion and a truly happily ever after. As always.... for some reason I can't remember the official sign off I use, I swear I have the memory of a premature baby gnat, but any who.... get life, this ain't no dress rehearsal.... or something like that!!!!
Uh huh........ and all the rest of that fairy tale little girls are told, the story of the little princess who is rescued by Prince Charming to live happily ever after. A nice story but realistic? Naw....I'm a realist when it comes to the institution of marriage.
You may be thinking....'OK OPRAH, you ole.... want to give advice on marriage and having children and you AINT GOT NAYER KID(caused chocolate Labradors don't count) You haven't BEEN MARRIED NOR HAVE A MAN!!" Let me say yes I can speak on both, I have a wonderful little girl and I walked down the aisle back in December 2000, and it was everything I dreamed of. My husband was as handsome as I always dreamed him of being and I was nicely tucked and tapered in my body magic...LMAO.. as lovely as a bride should be. After the dust settled and the honeymoon to Maui ended.... the reality hits, the wedding IS over.... the gifts have been opened and returned..... because really just how many dam pieces of crystal does a new couple really need? FAST FORWARD 10 years later.... I found myself in divorce court, arguing and looking to a perfect stranger to decide how all of our assets are to be divided up and worse... who and how our child will be cared for. A business relationship, a personal united front.....divided, defeated and never to be together again. Dreadful? yes.... disappointing? Fo sho!.....and yet....a lesson to be learned. And would I do it again? Sure, with the right person for the right reason. I am a hopeless romantic, a passionate filled firecracker with hopeless lust for life and one who still believes in falling hopelessly in love, you know the good ...dam my ass is dizzy in love, love. Ole Al Green, Peobo Bryson, Sherelle and Alexander O'neil 7 day a week love. Wait.... I just fell into a late night urban adult contemporary quiet storm play list flashback......
But.....before taking that plunge again there are some key things I would be sure to do before saying
I DO. And for you who are either considering marriage or who's entire focus rather it be subconscious or not, who truly can't see themselves as being 'COMPLETE" without a wife or husband... .or women like myself who always wanted to have children but not a big believer in having children out of wedlock. Whatever your reasons of wanting to be married... do these things a look before saying I do. It could keep you out of divorce court or worse...being in an unfulfilled, boring, and just bad marriage that is plagued with infidelity, lies, and mistrust. Yes, believe it or not, ladies and gentlemen, people DO stay in bad marriages for the kids, for the "we've been together for all these years and why would we throw that away?" reasons People stay married for financial comfort, or a lack of finances, insecurity due to daddy issues, fear of being alone, and yes people stay married just out of LOVE. Yes Lord.... we have all been fools for love.
50 percent of marriages end in divorce so if you could have information that could potentially keep you from being in that 50 percentile, what could it hurt to just be aware of it? Right? What could it hurt?
So here we go...ask yourself... why am I getting married? Is it because I am on the wrong side of 30? Wrong side of 40? DAM... 50? ALL of your friends have gotten married, and on their 3rd child so its the thing to do? Is it because you don't want someone else to marry your mate and though you are not really ready your mate has given you an ultimatum so you might as well get married. Oh and along the same line, you get married because she has "popped up pregnant" Do you really want a forced union? Do you really think a marriage that is based on falsehoods and deceit will really last? What is the TRUE REASON behind you wanting to live the rest of your life with this person? Next, do you really KNOW this person. Now this is where it gets sticky, because I have always thought the person you date is not really the real person you will spend the rest of your life with. People tend to misrepresent themselves, women who are trying desperately to get married will be and do everything you want them to be and do UNTIL they get married. This is why it is so important to be yourself from the jump, so the person you are with is seeing the real you.
Next... and I cannot stress this enough, GO SEE YOUR POTENTIAL SOON TO BE SPOUSE'S FAMILY!!! GO TO A FAMILY REUNION! KNOW WHAT TYPE OF RELATIONSHIP YOUR POTENTIAL SPOUSE HAS WITH THEIR PARENTS. Why? These are the people you will be forced to see holidays, family reunions, vacations etc.What if the family reunion reveals several family members are carrying a gargoyle/troll gene? You having children? You would be surprised how a gargoyle/ troll gene may show up on your future children.For example, you have children they are born with antennas, you thinking? why my baby got antennas? You wanna know why? because your husbands little brother has antennas , so guess what? NOW YO CHILD GOT ANTENNAS. See now if you had went to a family reunion you would have seen there are folk in your husbands immediate family who have antennas!
GO TO THE FAMILY REUNION. But all kidding aside....more important than that, it is just important to know a person's family health history. Does this family have a genetic flaw? Does this family have a history of a certain disease or chronic condition? When considering having children these things are important to know. Also you can know alot about a person based on what their relationship is with their parents. Did the guy you are about to marry see his own father disrespect his mother, talk down to her, abuse her physically? If so how will that affect him? How will he treat you? What is his relationship with his own mom, did his mom baby him?do everything for him? Will he expect you to do what his mother did for him? Fellas is your fiances momma a freak? Non committed the entire time your future wife was
a child? Did that as a result make your future wife insecure, clingy, and jealous? There is no doubt that we are all products of our childhoods. A great many of us will make decisions in our personal lives based on the relationships we grew up seeing or not seeing..
Also on a completely superficial tip.... fellas.... LOOK HARD AT THE MOMMA AND THE GRANDMA. Is Momma missing teeth? Is momma 320 pounds? Is momma male pattern balding? Old folks used to say if you considering marrying a women, look at HER momma that's who you will be married to in about 20 years. Ladies look at HIS DADDY. If his daddy was a womanizer, or has an entire different family on the opposite coast of where you live, how did that affect your future husband. If a little boy sees daddy cheating and womanizing, will that cause that little boy when he grows up to view women as sexual objects and more likely to continue to cheat while married because that is what he grew up seeing? You have to look at these things, and some of you ladies are so caught up on "the wedding" but what you would WANT TO DO is check for these underlying character and personality traits.
Next... credit!!!! or as some say CREDICK... whats really going on? If you marry someone without knowing their financial history you are asking for trouble. Many times when we come into a relationship as 2 individuals we come together in union and credit as well. What is your spouse's score? what are their spending habits? and what do they want for their financial future? Lets face it folks, marriage is a business partnership as well. When you are coming together as a family team, many times those big purchases are going to need to the two of you or if someones credit is not as strong, it will lie solely on that one person. Are you willing to do that? Consider this, if down the line in your little union something happens and the union dissolves and someone or both of you is bitter or angry because of the the break up of the marriage , sometimes people will do things to get back at their spouse. Example... if you both have names on property, cars, land, credit cards etc. and one of those individuals decides I want to REALLY screw this other person over so I'm going to file bankruptcy so I don't have to pay for anything from that marriage, guess who will be held responsible for that property, car, land and or credit? The last person standing after the other has filed bankruptcy. This is why so many people end up literally fighting in divorce proceedings, this is why people end up using children in custody hearings because something really bad happens when a marriage goes bad and credit is involved. So understand what your spouses credit history and financial knowledge is. So many women may be the stay at home mom and the man pays all the bills, sounds cute doesn't it, you living the ideal life, maybe you have things in your name and maybe you don't. What happens if the marriage goes off track and a divorce occurs, what are you going to have then? Really? You don't know do you? What will you leave with? What will you be stuck with? How will you fair? No no one should go into a marriage thinking it will end that's so negative!" said the naive unmarried, young minded little girl who wants the fairytale so bad. But in grownup world, grownups have to discuss and consider grownup occurrences and understand that things happen, you just want to be aware of all scenarios. Be prepared. And finally, make sure you truly understand that in order to come together with another person, it would be important to know who you are, what you stand for, what you are worth and what it is that you will or will not tolerate and expect. Communication is always critical when dealing with relationships but vital for a union to stay healthy thriving and withstanding the test of time. And isn't that what we get married for anyway, for a lifetime companion and a truly happily ever after. As always.... for some reason I can't remember the official sign off I use, I swear I have the memory of a premature baby gnat, but any who.... get life, this ain't no dress rehearsal.... or something like that!!!!
Friday, March 4, 2011
How much of your brain are you using? Think about it.....
I heard on t.v. that most of us only utilize 20 percent of our brain power. Which means 80 percent of what our brains ARE CAPABLE OF BEING AND DOING, never gets used. Now, what if half of that 20 percent only use 10 percent OR LESS of their brain abilities? What does that say about the intellectual capabiilities of the average person you encounter day to day? Is there any wonder that when you run into someone or have a communication glitch it leaves you feeling like...... what in the hell is the deal with
THAT PERSON? What exactly is REALLY GOING ON? But to take it to an entire different level of
self realization, what if you are apart of that half of that 20 percent and you are on the low percentage of
that 10 percent brain usuage? When you give it some real thought, does it make you want to learn more?
Does it make you want to be and do more with one of the most magnificent and complex human organs?
I have WAYyyy too much time on my hands, and my thoughts are ones that contemplate the most....some would say insignificant scenarios, these are the types of subjects that float around MY BRAIN. So.... after giving it some thought as I have, what am to do to increase my under utilized brain? What now?
When we were younger, we were constantly learning, using our brains. Some of us more than others. then some of us went to college and smoked..... and drank.... most if not many brain cells to an open casket clean departure, never to return again.
So.... how do you ,as a grown ass person, increase your brain power?
I asked my mom who is 75 and showing a strong fight against memory loss and human aging.
But she works at it. She is constantly researching and making note of power foods and nutrients that assist in slowing down the aging process. She reads everyday....and gives herself little mind benders.
Reading daily huh? Not so much for me.... I have never been a big reader, and if and when I do read on any kind of regularity, its on a particular subject that interest me. Like the workings and functions of the human anatomy, holistic research, books about child behavior, comedy and communication strategy books, and psychology. So maybe.... I could practice reading something everyday.
Prior to the boom of the internet, reading a newspaper daily or certainly on Sundays was standard, but everything is on the internet, news alerts come to my phone, who buys a paper anymore?
So.... ok.... read something everyday. I got it....
THE BIBLE.... I have decided if I am going to read something, everyday... let it be something that can benefit my mind as well as my soul. So thats what I have been doing. Another thing..... to boost my memory of a gnat.... memorizing what I have read. Can i keep it real with you? Not very successful..... thus far, but I am convinced just by being aware of this, I am well on the road to making better usuage of my brain.
How bout you? What if anything will you do? Is it something you really care about or are you good with just using such a small portion of your brain? Im certainly not focused on going back to school, what I deem as my calling and my future,I am, in my opinion ,sufficiently educated with my little B.A. in radio/television and a minor in journalism, as well as professionally trained and experienced to do
what I am doing.
HOWEVER.... one should NEVER stop learning, one should never stop challenging your own intellect and ...... YOU HAVE TO CONTINUE TO THRIVE.... instead of just getting by. Challenge yourself, you may be surprised at what YOUR brain can and will do when challenged to do so. Life experiences are lessons, but how can you possibly get the lesson if you have stopped expecting and actively participating in that learning process, if you no longer care to challenge your brain power, and your need for constant variety of knowledge.
Some say knowledge is power, however if there is no desire or abilities to attain and RETAIN that knowledge? You have indeed GIVEN YOUR POWER AWAY.
Just a thought.....
Get life baby... this aint no dress rehearsal.
THAT PERSON? What exactly is REALLY GOING ON? But to take it to an entire different level of
self realization, what if you are apart of that half of that 20 percent and you are on the low percentage of
that 10 percent brain usuage? When you give it some real thought, does it make you want to learn more?
Does it make you want to be and do more with one of the most magnificent and complex human organs?
I have WAYyyy too much time on my hands, and my thoughts are ones that contemplate the most....some would say insignificant scenarios, these are the types of subjects that float around MY BRAIN. So.... after giving it some thought as I have, what am to do to increase my under utilized brain? What now?
When we were younger, we were constantly learning, using our brains. Some of us more than others. then some of us went to college and smoked..... and drank.... most if not many brain cells to an open casket clean departure, never to return again.
So.... how do you ,as a grown ass person, increase your brain power?
I asked my mom who is 75 and showing a strong fight against memory loss and human aging.
But she works at it. She is constantly researching and making note of power foods and nutrients that assist in slowing down the aging process. She reads everyday....and gives herself little mind benders.
Reading daily huh? Not so much for me.... I have never been a big reader, and if and when I do read on any kind of regularity, its on a particular subject that interest me. Like the workings and functions of the human anatomy, holistic research, books about child behavior, comedy and communication strategy books, and psychology. So maybe.... I could practice reading something everyday.
Prior to the boom of the internet, reading a newspaper daily or certainly on Sundays was standard, but everything is on the internet, news alerts come to my phone, who buys a paper anymore?
So.... ok.... read something everyday. I got it....
THE BIBLE.... I have decided if I am going to read something, everyday... let it be something that can benefit my mind as well as my soul. So thats what I have been doing. Another thing..... to boost my memory of a gnat.... memorizing what I have read. Can i keep it real with you? Not very successful..... thus far, but I am convinced just by being aware of this, I am well on the road to making better usuage of my brain.
How bout you? What if anything will you do? Is it something you really care about or are you good with just using such a small portion of your brain? Im certainly not focused on going back to school, what I deem as my calling and my future,I am, in my opinion ,sufficiently educated with my little B.A. in radio/television and a minor in journalism, as well as professionally trained and experienced to do
what I am doing.
HOWEVER.... one should NEVER stop learning, one should never stop challenging your own intellect and ...... YOU HAVE TO CONTINUE TO THRIVE.... instead of just getting by. Challenge yourself, you may be surprised at what YOUR brain can and will do when challenged to do so. Life experiences are lessons, but how can you possibly get the lesson if you have stopped expecting and actively participating in that learning process, if you no longer care to challenge your brain power, and your need for constant variety of knowledge.
Some say knowledge is power, however if there is no desire or abilities to attain and RETAIN that knowledge? You have indeed GIVEN YOUR POWER AWAY.
Just a thought.....
Get life baby... this aint no dress rehearsal.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The greatest thing I will ever be and do.....BEING A MOM...
When I tell you that I LOVE being a mom? I am really telliing you truth. I thank God in prayer every morning and every night for blessing me with life. If you are like me ,one of these career chasing chicks also know ass the United Career Chasing Chick Society...UCCCS.... if you are like me and chased , followed, and stalked your own career to "make it" to be all and everything thats is involved with that notion. You know in my industry Im talknig about attending every hot event, booking all the hottest interviews, flexing at every red carpet event, getting invited to all the "in parties ",while demonstrating a level of professionalism where its of the upmost importance to be considered one of the best. Yes that was me . But somewhere around the year of 2002 I craved something more of my life. I wanted to create a legacy, a life, a family, I wanted to be a mom.
In my mid 30's I walked down the aisle with a man 10 years younger than me and relished in being a wife. I had high hopes to be a mother, it was for some time, all that occupied my thoughts. Everywhere I would go I would see pregnant women, every child I would see was adorable and I would constantly wonder what a child created by myself and my then husband would look like. Well several days after losing the one job that had put me on the map nationally, a syndicated radio personality with fans all over the country. My husband and I found out we were pregnant. What a blessing, what a sense of humor God had, he bought me through the storm of unemployment and gave us a life. I dont know about you, but Id take LIFE over a job ANYDAY.
Being pregnant was one of the best experiences of my life. I loved it. I didn't mind getting swole because just between you me and a flea.... MY ASS WAS SWOLE BEFORE I GOT PREGNANT. So it wasn't a huge adjustment. It is comedy to me when you hear these little salad eating women who are obsessed with working out, get pregnant, get swole and ...LOSE THEIR MINDS!! All they do is bitch about how much weight they have put on. SHUT YO ASS UP!!! you have life inside of you stop focusing on your own ego and your own insecurities and realize how blessed you are TO EVEN BE PREGNANT. Man... if you hear one more story of a woman who cant conceive? You will never say a dam thing about being swole again
Anyway... where the hell was I.... ughh...ADD is real. But ummm... yeah my ass WAS SWOLE. But I didnt care, I knew that this child would be the love of my life and boy did I underestimate her. From the first time I laid eyes on her as they pulled her out of my gut and by the way....WHY MY ASS STILL LOOK PREGNANT AFTER HAVING HER? AND TO THIS DAY... if you catch me after an esepcially thirsty weekend, I COULD BE 5 MONTHS!!! But as I was saying.... Dont ask me how far along I am.... HATERS!!!! But umm,... yeah.... as I had said...MY ASS WAS SWOLE....
But when I saw herl little pie face and small slanty eyes just like her mom and dads, and those little perfect lips and her little perfect feet and little perfect hands, and when babies are new they have those little creases in their necks and one time I was holding her and I kept smelling blue cheese and Im like IS THAT MY ASS? AM I STINKING LIKE BLUE CHEESE ?.... man.... we bathed her and pulled that little head back and inside her little creases of her neck...cottage cheese. I threw up a little in my mouth then said...Awwww... my baby got cottage cheese on her neck from milk running down her mouth and settling in the folds of her neck. My little cottage cheese buttermilk smelling neck having baby. She is my joy.
Still to this day, I see that little baby. Still to this day I remember the first time I looked at her and held her. STILL TO THIS DAY..... no other feeling like what she gives me, PURPOSE, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, INSPIRATION, LAUGHTER, WARMNESS, ACCEPTANCE, LOVE!!!!
I have accomplished so much in my life I have gone so many places met so many people....
wait... what song is that? Is it Peabo? no wait... Donny Hathaway... no wait I got it...RAY CHARLES..
Singing a song for you. Yeah thats it... I told ya'll ......I be lunching... and I typle like I speak, and my mother is rolling her eyes right now and my dad is turning over in his grave TWO TIMES cause I am college educated up on here using the conjugation of TO Be... ghetto VERSION...... you be, i be, she and he be, they be, theys be, and DEERS BE....
JUST LOUD AND WRONG.... Ewwww I swear I need to do an outline before I start these rants I gets so caught up in my MY OWN DAM CONVERSATION... Wait....quit playing... I had something reallly real...REDUNDANT....
something really profound to wrap this thang up !!!....but I forgot....
So Ill just say this, all the years and still to this day I hear my mom talking about the love she has for each of her children, the way she worries even though all our asses is old as hell. DONT TELL MY OLDEST BROTHER, HONEY HE WILL ARGUE YO ASS DOWN ABOUT HOW HE NOT OLD. Whole nother blog.... but I now understand. I get it. There are tons of things you can do with your life, tons of people you can inspire and affect with your life's work, but NOTHING... will represent you, fulfill, and love you like...
LIFE.... A CHILD!!!! I thank God for her everyday, twice a day!!!!
As always my crying, teary eyed ass wipes the tears from my face.....
I say... What good is success if your hair is a hot dam mess.
HAVE YOU NOTICED EACH CLOSING IS JUST AS DIFFERENT AS THE LAST... WHY? cause my ass keep forgetting what I said the first time. BAD MEMORY HAVING ASS....
I digress......AGAIN.....
In my mid 30's I walked down the aisle with a man 10 years younger than me and relished in being a wife. I had high hopes to be a mother, it was for some time, all that occupied my thoughts. Everywhere I would go I would see pregnant women, every child I would see was adorable and I would constantly wonder what a child created by myself and my then husband would look like. Well several days after losing the one job that had put me on the map nationally, a syndicated radio personality with fans all over the country. My husband and I found out we were pregnant. What a blessing, what a sense of humor God had, he bought me through the storm of unemployment and gave us a life. I dont know about you, but Id take LIFE over a job ANYDAY.
Being pregnant was one of the best experiences of my life. I loved it. I didn't mind getting swole because just between you me and a flea.... MY ASS WAS SWOLE BEFORE I GOT PREGNANT. So it wasn't a huge adjustment. It is comedy to me when you hear these little salad eating women who are obsessed with working out, get pregnant, get swole and ...LOSE THEIR MINDS!! All they do is bitch about how much weight they have put on. SHUT YO ASS UP!!! you have life inside of you stop focusing on your own ego and your own insecurities and realize how blessed you are TO EVEN BE PREGNANT. Man... if you hear one more story of a woman who cant conceive? You will never say a dam thing about being swole again
Anyway... where the hell was I.... ughh...ADD is real. But ummm... yeah my ass WAS SWOLE. But I didnt care, I knew that this child would be the love of my life and boy did I underestimate her. From the first time I laid eyes on her as they pulled her out of my gut and by the way....WHY MY ASS STILL LOOK PREGNANT AFTER HAVING HER? AND TO THIS DAY... if you catch me after an esepcially thirsty weekend, I COULD BE 5 MONTHS!!! But as I was saying.... Dont ask me how far along I am.... HATERS!!!! But umm,... yeah.... as I had said...MY ASS WAS SWOLE....
But when I saw herl little pie face and small slanty eyes just like her mom and dads, and those little perfect lips and her little perfect feet and little perfect hands, and when babies are new they have those little creases in their necks and one time I was holding her and I kept smelling blue cheese and Im like IS THAT MY ASS? AM I STINKING LIKE BLUE CHEESE ?.... man.... we bathed her and pulled that little head back and inside her little creases of her neck...cottage cheese. I threw up a little in my mouth then said...Awwww... my baby got cottage cheese on her neck from milk running down her mouth and settling in the folds of her neck. My little cottage cheese buttermilk smelling neck having baby. She is my joy.
Still to this day, I see that little baby. Still to this day I remember the first time I looked at her and held her. STILL TO THIS DAY..... no other feeling like what she gives me, PURPOSE, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, INSPIRATION, LAUGHTER, WARMNESS, ACCEPTANCE, LOVE!!!!
I have accomplished so much in my life I have gone so many places met so many people....
wait... what song is that? Is it Peabo? no wait... Donny Hathaway... no wait I got it...RAY CHARLES..
Singing a song for you. Yeah thats it... I told ya'll ......I be lunching... and I typle like I speak, and my mother is rolling her eyes right now and my dad is turning over in his grave TWO TIMES cause I am college educated up on here using the conjugation of TO Be... ghetto VERSION...... you be, i be, she and he be, they be, theys be, and DEERS BE....
JUST LOUD AND WRONG.... Ewwww I swear I need to do an outline before I start these rants I gets so caught up in my MY OWN DAM CONVERSATION... Wait....quit playing... I had something reallly real...REDUNDANT....
something really profound to wrap this thang up !!!....but I forgot....
So Ill just say this, all the years and still to this day I hear my mom talking about the love she has for each of her children, the way she worries even though all our asses is old as hell. DONT TELL MY OLDEST BROTHER, HONEY HE WILL ARGUE YO ASS DOWN ABOUT HOW HE NOT OLD. Whole nother blog.... but I now understand. I get it. There are tons of things you can do with your life, tons of people you can inspire and affect with your life's work, but NOTHING... will represent you, fulfill, and love you like...
LIFE.... A CHILD!!!! I thank God for her everyday, twice a day!!!!
As always my crying, teary eyed ass wipes the tears from my face.....
I say... What good is success if your hair is a hot dam mess.
HAVE YOU NOTICED EACH CLOSING IS JUST AS DIFFERENT AS THE LAST... WHY? cause my ass keep forgetting what I said the first time. BAD MEMORY HAVING ASS....
I digress......AGAIN.....
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
What was wrong with the original?
So I'm out grocery shopping yesterday. A task I rather enjoy, not because I love food, but I am a food product company's dream. Based on sample placement and marketing techniques, I will try new products, not just for the sake of sampling a new product, but it always interest me to see if I have fallen for the objective of eye level marketing and allowing it to affect my purchasing choices. I can spend hours in a grocery store if I had hours to do such, why you ask? Well..... it is always interesting to me how product placement differs in various grocery store outlets and various regions based on the target demographic that is spending money at that particular location.
Have you ever wondered why certain things are placed where they are? I have, and perhaps I do because I have too much time on my hands (smile) and maybe its because I am too observant of my immediate surroundings. But one thought that pops to mind often in my grocery store shopping experience is......
what was wrong with the original?
Consumers are so often manipulated by the advertising companies in thinking new and improved is better. WHY? What was wrong with the regular Tide? Now we got mountain fresh tide, tide with bleach, tide with floral scent, tide with color enhancement?
Let's talk about Oreo cookies, now I love me some Oreo cookies but what do you see when you go to the cookie aisle? Double stuffed Oreos, vanilla oreos?! WHY? WHAT WAS WRONG WITH THE REGULAR OLE OREO COOKIES? And this one right here kills me!!! Low fat..... Look, some things shouldn't be low fat, if you scared to eat something because its fattening? DON'T EAT IT!!!. Low fat cookies, low fat ice cream , low calorie beer. Ummmm...... COOKIES, ICE CREAM, AND BEER ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FATTENING!!! That's why they are cookies, ice cream, and beer!!!!
Americans are diet obsessed and yet we are the fattest nation in the world. So make up your mind, either yo ass gone be fat..... or you are not. If you are content in yo fatness, embrace yo fatness,
EAT THE REGULAR DAM COOKIES ,ICE CREAM, AND DRINK REGULAR BEER!!!! If you are going to be weight worried, DON'T EAT COOKIES, ICE CREAM, AND DRINK REGULAR BEER. It's like people who choose to smoke cancer sticks, I mean cigarettes. You know cigarettes are deadly, but you think you are smoking LESS CANCER CAUSING CHEMICALS by smoking Marlboro lights, Newport lights. really? Cancer is Cancer THERE IS NO CANCER LIGHT, THERE IS NO FAT FREE CANCER!!! I digress....
I just dont understand why folks feel the need to improve on an original that was already fine.
I get technology, things are always improving, look at portable DVDs and cell phones. Remember how expensive and big a portable DVD player was when it first came out? Cell phones too. I love New Jack City remember when Nino Brown was in the Jeep on that BIG ASS CELL PHONE WITH THE STRAP. Now cell phones are so small and convenient. So in that instance I get the original being improved upon because technology is like time, it is constant. BUT..... wasn't nothing wrong with an original disposable douche. Now what we got? Mountain fresh, floral fresh, extra vinegar, extra mild. Do you think your vagina cares about smelling mountain fresh? If they really wanna do something give the various douche products flavors like Honey dipped wings, Chilli's Baby back ribs,Cotton Candy, Bananna Now and Later flavor....things we love to taste.... Ok... let me back up off that subject.(smile)
All Im saying is..... some things just dont need improving upon, and some things are good as an original. Let me tell you something... back when I used to go hard drinking... People would look at me like I was the biggest redneck ,trailor park trash, marlboro red cigarette smoking, deer hunting shotgun rebel flag flying,
Rush Limbaugh supportin, Ku Klux Klan card carrying individual, when I stepped to a bartender and say....LET ME GET A BUDWEISER!!! Now....Budweiser has deviated somewhat like so many products, improving, adding, circulating, and marketing new forms of budweiser and I aint mad. But when you get through talking....AINT NOTHING LIKE THE ORIGINAL BUDWEISER... THE KING OF BEERS.
I know what ya'll thinking...she did NOT say Budweiser!!! Yessir..... Im a St. Louis girl, born and raised and thats how we do in the Lou!!!! Believe that!!!
Any who.... I have 4 loads of clothes to wash... which I might add., I WILL be using the ORIGINAL TIDE, CAUSE WASN'T NOTHING WRONG WITH THE ORIGINAL TIDE!!! DAMMIT. Ewww... that was weighing heavily on my spirit, and I had to get all that off my chest, so I will close this rant out, but just remember, on your next grocery store shopping run, instead of being manipulated and coerced into the new and improved, ask yourself....WHAT WAS WRONG WITH THE ORIGINAL? and think of me.
As always in parting....
.what good is money and success if your hair looks A HOT FUNKY ASS MESS?
Have you ever wondered why certain things are placed where they are? I have, and perhaps I do because I have too much time on my hands (smile) and maybe its because I am too observant of my immediate surroundings. But one thought that pops to mind often in my grocery store shopping experience is......
what was wrong with the original?
Consumers are so often manipulated by the advertising companies in thinking new and improved is better. WHY? What was wrong with the regular Tide? Now we got mountain fresh tide, tide with bleach, tide with floral scent, tide with color enhancement?
Let's talk about Oreo cookies, now I love me some Oreo cookies but what do you see when you go to the cookie aisle? Double stuffed Oreos, vanilla oreos?! WHY? WHAT WAS WRONG WITH THE REGULAR OLE OREO COOKIES? And this one right here kills me!!! Low fat..... Look, some things shouldn't be low fat, if you scared to eat something because its fattening? DON'T EAT IT!!!. Low fat cookies, low fat ice cream , low calorie beer. Ummmm...... COOKIES, ICE CREAM, AND BEER ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FATTENING!!! That's why they are cookies, ice cream, and beer!!!!
Americans are diet obsessed and yet we are the fattest nation in the world. So make up your mind, either yo ass gone be fat..... or you are not. If you are content in yo fatness, embrace yo fatness,
EAT THE REGULAR DAM COOKIES ,ICE CREAM, AND DRINK REGULAR BEER!!!! If you are going to be weight worried, DON'T EAT COOKIES, ICE CREAM, AND DRINK REGULAR BEER. It's like people who choose to smoke cancer sticks, I mean cigarettes. You know cigarettes are deadly, but you think you are smoking LESS CANCER CAUSING CHEMICALS by smoking Marlboro lights, Newport lights. really? Cancer is Cancer THERE IS NO CANCER LIGHT, THERE IS NO FAT FREE CANCER!!! I digress....
I just dont understand why folks feel the need to improve on an original that was already fine.
I get technology, things are always improving, look at portable DVDs and cell phones. Remember how expensive and big a portable DVD player was when it first came out? Cell phones too. I love New Jack City remember when Nino Brown was in the Jeep on that BIG ASS CELL PHONE WITH THE STRAP. Now cell phones are so small and convenient. So in that instance I get the original being improved upon because technology is like time, it is constant. BUT..... wasn't nothing wrong with an original disposable douche. Now what we got? Mountain fresh, floral fresh, extra vinegar, extra mild. Do you think your vagina cares about smelling mountain fresh? If they really wanna do something give the various douche products flavors like Honey dipped wings, Chilli's Baby back ribs,Cotton Candy, Bananna Now and Later flavor....things we love to taste.... Ok... let me back up off that subject.(smile)
All Im saying is..... some things just dont need improving upon, and some things are good as an original. Let me tell you something... back when I used to go hard drinking... People would look at me like I was the biggest redneck ,trailor park trash, marlboro red cigarette smoking, deer hunting shotgun rebel flag flying,
Rush Limbaugh supportin, Ku Klux Klan card carrying individual, when I stepped to a bartender and say....LET ME GET A BUDWEISER!!! Now....Budweiser has deviated somewhat like so many products, improving, adding, circulating, and marketing new forms of budweiser and I aint mad. But when you get through talking....AINT NOTHING LIKE THE ORIGINAL BUDWEISER... THE KING OF BEERS.
I know what ya'll thinking...she did NOT say Budweiser!!! Yessir..... Im a St. Louis girl, born and raised and thats how we do in the Lou!!!! Believe that!!!
Any who.... I have 4 loads of clothes to wash... which I might add., I WILL be using the ORIGINAL TIDE, CAUSE WASN'T NOTHING WRONG WITH THE ORIGINAL TIDE!!! DAMMIT. Ewww... that was weighing heavily on my spirit, and I had to get all that off my chest, so I will close this rant out, but just remember, on your next grocery store shopping run, instead of being manipulated and coerced into the new and improved, ask yourself....WHAT WAS WRONG WITH THE ORIGINAL? and think of me.
As always in parting....
.what good is money and success if your hair looks A HOT FUNKY ASS MESS?
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